
Is it rude to ask a friend if I can be the godparent for her children?

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Her and her husband are divorced and he is no longer in the picture. She doesn't have much family and I love her kids very much. It feels rude but I am thinking about asking her.




  1. In a word, yes. It would be rude to ask her to be the godmother for your friend's children.

    However, what you can do, is let her know how much you love her children. Tell her that you will always be there for her and for them, if and when they need you. A godparent is a title, that doesn't always mean anything worthwhile. I'm sure your friend and her children would appreciate a true friend over a godparent anyway.

  2. um if they wanted you to be a godparent they will ask you

  3. i know how you feel, I am in a similar situation but it is a decision for the mother to make herself. A better way to go about it might be to ask if any plans have been made already.

  4. Yes, it would be rude.  You could always say that you would love to be like an "Aunt" to the kids, I had a dear friend who was that to my children.

    A Godparent is actually someone who guides the children in the faith in which they are raised, after the parent/s pass away.  This is something that the parent/s decide on when their children are christened/baptized.

  5. You can bring up the godparent in a discussion and see how she feels about it.  Not every parent believes in having godparents and when they do pick one it is usually based on their own reasoning.  You might want to make sure she knows that if anything should happen to her you would be willing to care for the kids, that would be taking over as legal guardian should anything happen.   You could bring up the subject of a will and guardianship, some parents don't realize that it is best to designate who they want their children to go to in case something should happen.

  6. I don't think you should ask her straight out because that will put pressure on her to make you their godparent even if she doesn't want to. Try to be subtle about it.

  7. I agree with the majority of answers, no you can't outrightly ask her and yes you should let her know exactly what you said here, that you love her kids and want to help her and be in their lives.  Support is always needed and appreciated.

  8. i think it is rude to come right out and ask. i say bring it up, ask her if they have a god parent... work from there see what she says. and even just tell her you love those kids and would do anything for them ect

  9. If she has other people in mind as well it might put pressure on her if you just come out and ask her. Tell her that if she would like you to be a godparent to her children, you would love that. Or just say if you ever need anything and if anything ever happens to her, you will always be there for her kids.

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