
Is it rude to ask my neighbours whom are fornicating to keep it down with the "oohs" and "aahs"?

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We're all living in low cost residential areas, the walls are thin, it's past midnight. I can even hear the "plap plap" sound.




  1. ask man/amulet to help u, he know a lots of natukong... i m sure the plap plap sound mean something..

  2. I guess if you give them complements then they will understand. May be tell him that he is very lasting. :)

  3. you should have told us earlier! *blush*

  4. while they fornicating, just go knock the door...and say, "houskeeping"..

    then ask them, you wanna join for a threesome coz you're so horny

  5. slip a note under the door. then have a friend write another note (different handwriting) to make it look like others a bothered by this too. keep doing it!

  6. Why don't you get a partner for yourself see who can scream louder?

  7. just go for it and ask your neighbours, i'm also want to know what happened.

  8. Yes, it's considered extremely rude..


  9. Well, Maybe if you tell them politely they won't mind,  

  10. Can't you just enjoy it lah?  Try sleep earlier so you'll enjoy the free no-show later.


    now pls answer this too:

  11. AN EYE FOR AN EYE..!

    And make it LOUDER..!!

  12. ooo. I love that sound.  

  13. if i were you, i would record the sound of the oohhs& aahhs & plap plap thingy and play it loudly every night for a week and see whats the out come or else if that dont work, i would just bang the walll so hard and repeat the sound of each oohhs& aahhs the girl make then & then.. if that also tak jalan..that i suggest you write a note telling them that you love joining their oohh & aahh session..coz you like to make the sound louder...lastly signed by 'your favourite neighbour..'

    try and let me know whats the outcome eh!...ehehehe

  14. if you can't rid 'em, join em! three-some is awe-some.

  15. Yes, it is very rude, you should report to JAIS...  

  16. its not rude

    just go to them POLITELY

    and tell them that they make a lot of noise

    but word it a little differently  

  17. Do tell em after the deed is done. No coitus interruptus please.

    I'm sure you wouldn't like to be disturbed during your fornicating session....he he...

  18. u make your own noise with "yeahh.." yaerghhh"... and put some cat's noise... "miaw"...

    tomorrow they will stop...

    *doesnt mean that u have to do it with the cats

  19. hahahaha. When I lived in US in apartment(wooden house), it was worse. Besides moaning and groaning, I could hear the earth shattering movement, bed creaking loudly and also she screamed so loud until the entire block could hear her. That incident happened in daylight. Then I found out that this man was fornicating with his ex-wife that he recently divorced. Cant let go of the past. Emotionally separated but physically not. roflol

  20. Not rude la..why do we have to be considerate when they only think with their between the legs mah...just ketuk ur dinding and say "aiyoh sorryla..boleh pelahan sikit tak" in a polite way...dont shout shout...

  21. jiran gila..

  22. maybe u can give them note...its so embarrassing if u tell them straight away even though in a nice way,

  23. Opps! I never thought u could hear us.

    Okay...okay...we get it.

    We'll put some loud music tonite, is it okay?

    Maybe Metallica or Paris Hilton songs?

    which one would u prefer? eheh..eheh...

  24. enjoy ur self...hehehe

  25. that's scary, maybe it's a ghost! hantu plap plap kot...

  26. maybe your neighbours watched football match every midnight, so when their favourite team win, they clapped their hands - making that sound, plap plap

    agree with yuan yuan, you should sleep early

    so that you can join them too

    hahaha =)

  27. ha!

    ...maybe an anonymous note....

  28. sing negaraku and clap your hand after the song...then your jiran think you are crazy....going to insane!!

  29. ^


    you should wait til they've done the deed..

    then turn on a p**n dvd full blast..

    let them know if they can hear can hear them too..loud & clear..

    if they dont get a message, probably you can slip an anonymous note into their letter box..

  30. nope

  31. Try to write a note,

    [so ambarrass lah can hear everything:p

    your neighbours deserve good sleep]

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