
Is it rude to bring fast food into a nice restaurant to feed your kids?

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Is it rude to bring fast food into a nice restaurant to feed your kids?




  1. Yes, it's rude.  Either dine at the fast food place with your kids or leave them at home when you go to a fancy restaurant.

  2. it might be rude, but if your kids are picky, go ahead, if the staff there is rude, maybe you don't want to go again if that resteruant treats you poorly for feeding your kids what they enjoy.

  3. Of course. Kids don't belong in fancy restaurants anyway, so what are you doing bringing them?

  4. If you're bringing the kids along at a fine restaurant, make it a habit for them to eat there too.  It's rude and considered bad manners to bring in food from somewhere else.

  5. yah, rude and tacky. Leave the kids with a babysitter if they can't eat at the resturant you are eating at.

  6. Defiinitely. Why should the nice resteraunt clean up your childrens mess. What are they getting out of it! Nothing!! Feed the kids before you go or let them eat with you.

  7. Definately rude.

  8. of course it is. when you walk into a restaurant they don't you bringing on food from somewhere else. they want to to get everything that you're eating from there. it's bad manners and kind of tacky. i'm not trying to be mean. what you should do is either take your kids to the fast food place before or after going to the nice restaraunt.

  9. How vulgar is the only answer to this question

  10. Yes, sorry.  And it's a bit tacky.

  11. yes-leave your kids at home when going to a nice restaurant

  12. Rude, and IGNORANT.  Make the kids eat REAL food instead of filling them full of JUNK.  What parent in their right mind would bow to the wants of their kids?  Who's the adult?  If the kids won't eat what's in a REAL restaurant, get a sitter and feed them beany-weenies and send their spoiled to bed!

    My kids learned to behave and eat properly from the time they were little.  I took them to Japanese restaurants in Japan, restaurants in Italy and they were very well behaved and ate what was put in front of them.  If they didn't want it, they went hungry.  When they were older, if they didn't want what was on the table, they got an apple or went hungry.

    I can't imagine a restaurant allowing anyone to bring food from outside into their establishment.  What nut cake would even THINK of doing that besides some liberal, no spine, gutless person who THINKS they're a parent?  I'd tell them if they didn't want to feed their brats what's on the menu, to go to McDonald's and not come back.

  13. Well, being someone who's worked many months in the food industry, there are usually two reactions people have; either they are understanding that it would be easier to just drive through to get your kids' favorites, or they find it rude that you've brought another company's food into a nicer restaurant.

    In my opinion, it makes more sense to drive through for the kids, than to argue with them in public about what they'll get from the menu. But it would probably be more respectful to have them eat before you go into the restaurant and just let them get drinks in the restaurant.

    Personally, I would just leave them at home with a babysitter.

  14. most assuredly. either feed the buggers at the through of fast foos and slop there with them.

    or feed them appropriate portions of that which is available at the fine rest.

    Or leave the brats on the rug at home and donnot let them spoil the meal for others.

  15. yes

  16. Yes.

  17. In my opinion, I don't think that it's rude especially if it will make the kids feel better but I suggest that you check with the restaurant first.

  18. rude and tacky...what would you think if you saw someone else do it?

  19. If your kids are not mature enough to eat the food at a nice restaurant, they're not old enough to be going to one.

    Now, I do make an exception to that rule, in the case of children with food allergies.  A friend of mine's child is allergic to wheat products, so it's often not safe to just order off the menu... and it would be unfair to him to leave him home while his brother and sister go out to dinner with mom and dad.

  20. I am not too conceerned about how rude it is as opposed to how unhealthy it sounds to be feeding your children that junk. I imagine they eat cereal for breakfast or sausgae and eggs or pancakes? This stuff is bad for you ,you know. Eggs are good.

  21. It is illegal. Board of Health rules cover only what a restaurant serves.  You are also denying the wait staff and owner of monies, theft of services.  All restaurants would ask you to leave.

  22. honestly, this is really rude, i don't even think you can bring food into a restaurant, well that's what i think  

  23. It's uncouth and low class and if you haven't taught your kids enough class to eat something other than fast food, then don't take them to nice restaurants.  You are insulting the chef and the restaurant who is trying to make good food.  It's like if someone came to your house for dinner but brought McDonalds for themself indicating that they prefer eating McD's to your good food.  Most restaurants (even the upper expensive ones) will gladly make something kids would eat--chefs are real creative and can whip up child-friendly dishes (they do understand that kids don't always appreciate gourmet dishes).  Just ask if they could something your kids will eat (and be prepared to pay).  Most can get a hamburger (maybe not on a hamburger bun) or spaghetti or something easily recogniable.  If your kids are not civil enough to "make do" with whatever is available at the restaurant, then don't take them until they can learn to be civilized.

  24. That probably wouldn't be the most polite thing to do.  

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