
Is it rude to call someone "Hybrid Customer" in English?

by Guest64178  |  earlier

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I activated a cell phone from AT&T over the phone today. They gave me my user/pass.

I checked my account online and it shows my name and last name as HYBRID CUSTOMER although I gave (spelled) my name and last name on the phone.

I know the plan's name is Hybrid plan, however, when I look the word up in dictionary, there's also a meaning like "crossbred, mixed race" etc.

I'm not native speaker and you can see it in my accent, now I'm thinking if there's an intention in not writing my name on the account.

I know I'm pushing it hard but just curiosity as I'm not sure about the word and didn't like that hybrid stuff instead of my name (When I call them, will they say Hello Mr. hybrid?)





    Are you serious?

  2. In the case of a cell phone, the word refers to the kind of account. Sometimes it is hard to understand how a word is used if you are not a native speaker. Your name is on the account. Otherwise they would have no way to know who to bill for your charges. No insult to you is meant here.

  3. I'm a native speaker. "Hybrid customer" is not an offensive phrase, and they most definitely did not put that on your account because of your accent.

    "Hybrid" is not really used to describe mixed races in humans. You will really only see this word used in this manner when describing plant or animal hybrids.

    In fact, I think that the first thing that most Americans think of when hearing the word "Hybrid" is hybrid cars -- cars that run on both gasoline and electricity.

    So you can see that even though it's not an offensive phrase, you would probably confuse someone a great deal if you called them a "hybrid customer".

    They probably listed your last name as "HYBRID CUSTOMER" because they could not find your last name on record. I doubt that they will address you as "Mr. Hybrid."

  4. it's not a form of address it's a kind of network term

    you should ask the service whether it's a malfunction of their system that your name and surname were not indicated properly

    there is no chance cell phone guys care about your race

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