
Is it rude to finish eating before everybody?

by  |  earlier

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I once ate with a bunch of teachers and i think they were looking at me for finishing before everyone.I wasnt being a pig either. they were just taking turns or something.




  1. Well, someone has to finish first!

  2. Haha, I hope not! I'm usually first to finish, too.

  3. Don't worry about it. Somebody has to finish first!

  4. You were supposed to say "I won!"

  5. Of course not!

  6. It's not rude to eat quickly or finish first.  Next time ask if they need some help finishing their meal. That should lighten the mood.

  7. I used to be the last one finished all the time.  Then I joined the Navy.  At boot camp they gave you eleven minutes.  I have been out for over ten years and I still eat fast.  

    Another thing:  If there were teachers in my school system, they would eat fast too.  They only get 20 minutes.

  8. Don't feel bad about finishing your meal first. It's usually the person who is last to finish his or her meal feels that they are holding everyone else up. Because everyone else has to sit and wait for them. Fill in the time by sipping on a soda.

  9. well i have that problem too. i try to pace myself at formal meals.. i eat fast.... i cant help it ... best thing to do start eating once everyone has already started and try to finish after 1 or 2 people are already done. .. thats how i try to do it....

  10. no, somebody has to finish first

  11. IDK I am always the last one done.

  12. No not at all. They were probably gossiping about kids in their class rooms and the kids parents.

  13. no it just means your hungry or you like the meal

  14. i would say it not because if u dont do it who will somebody got to finish first

  15. Urmmm

    Just stay at the table when your finished

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