
Is it rude to interrupt someone who is reading?

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Is it rude to sit reading in a social situation?




  1. yes

  2. Not really, unless they ask you not to and no why is it rude to read.

  3. yes it is - also goes for texting (teenagers read this!)

  4. why are they reading   whats your view of a social situation ..............being on a train or plane is a social situation  but people read on them .................... why do you want to talk to them ? could they also be studying

  5. I HATE being interrupted when I'm reading, so usually only read if I'm alone. It is rude to read something like a novel in a social situation, I think magazines are slightly different because you tend to read them aloud to one another. Texting is incredibly rude, I'm 19 and cannot stand it when someone is constantly checking their phone. Fair enough to send one message but to start a whole text conversation...

  6. For me, it depends on the place and who's involved.  At home, when it's just my husband I, I read while he's talking to me.  He usually doesn't start talking to me until I'm occupied with something else, so go figure.  If I'm at a family function and there's a large number of people, and I am bored, I will pull out my book to read.  If it's something where I need to be involved in the conversation then obviously I wouldn't read.  I just think it varies.

  7. It is rude to sit reading in a social situation. In a social situation, you become social, not anti social. However, if the person is already alone reading, like at a bookstore or at home, it is only polite to apologize for interrupting them

  8. Yes it is rude, but you may ask fo an excuse me incase you want to talk to the person, then it would not be considered rude.

  9. I don't like being interrupted when I am reading, but I usually don't do this in a social situation.  I think that if someone want to do that, she should ask the rest of the group if they mind if she has a little time out for reading.  

    It is one thing to interrupt when  you really need that person's attention.  It is rude to do so just to be interrupting.  LOL

  10. If they read all the time then you have to interrupt sometimes.

    It's very rude to read in social situations.

  11. If the social situation is a dinner date, or an evening party, then reading would be rude.  If the party lasts all day, or longer, then individual guests should be allowed some time to themselves, which they might use for reading.

  12. Yes.


  13. it depends on how well you know the person and how yo are going to interupt them.

    if it were a "excuse me sir/miss could possibly direct me to the nearest..." fair enough

    or if it were one of your friends or family just go ahead and interupt them

  14. I cannot stand it when people interrupt me when I am reading. And its usually because they are bored and want to talk about themselves.

    It depends on the social situation. I have been known to read in the work lunchroom where everyone else is chatting because I feel like some time out or I am not interested in talking rugby or whatever.

    At dinner or something it would obviously be rude to read but people have their reasons and if they are reading in a social situation they are saying silently..i would just rather read. so we have to respect that.

  15. I'd say it's only rude if they have just sat down and started reading.  I say give them at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted reading before you interrupt them.  My wife reads all the time and if I never interrupted her reading I'd probably never get her attention.

  16. it depends on if you do it deliberately.

    Where's Roger? lol

  17. I love reading and there is nothing more annoying than getting to an exciting part of a book, or reading an interesting article, and someone decides to engage you in a conversation.

    If I wanted to talk about work or the weather I wouldn't bring a newspaper or book with me would I? Why do some people think their conversation is so riveting that I can't wait to put my book down to listen to their latest illness?

    Conversation can be interesting, but I wouldn't be so arrogant to demand that someone stop reading to converse with me. Why do some people think it's OK?

    If someone read at a party they would be strange, but some social situations it would be OK.

  18. Yes...but it deponds. If you REALLY need to talk to them, whisper to them to get their attention.

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