
Is it rude to move to a new seat?

by Guest63752  |  earlier

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So, you're on a train and it's really busy and you find a seat next to someone and the train fills up and all the seats are filled and people are even standing around you. Everyone's squeezed in, everyone's crowded, and you're sitting there next to some stranger, packed in like the rest of them.

Then the train gets to a popular stop and practically the whole train empties out. The people standing file out of the train and most of the people sitting down get up and leave the train too. But you and your seat partner are still sitting. Together.

So, what do you do? Do you get up and move to an available empty seat (meaning no one is sitting next to you)? And would the person sitting next to you think you were running away from him/her at the first opportunity, leaving the person thinking, "Hey, what do I stink or something?" Or do you sit there next to someone, the two of you next to each other with a whole empty train around you, leaving the person to think, "Geez. Why doesn't this person move already? There's a whole empty train!" Which is ruder--staying or moving?




  1. I don't think either one is rude.  Just do what you feel comfortable with.  Some people need more body space and can't stand sitting next to someone unless necessary.  Others don't care and probably wouldn't even think about it.  If you stay and the other person is uncomfortable with it, they can move.  And if you move, it should be obvious to the other person why you're moving.  So I don't think it matters.

  2. No way should you feel guilty. It's more polite to spread out I think. I would be the first to move.

  3. Well like the person above me im in the situation most days but I doo move so its really just up to you XD

  4. I'm in the same situation most days, though it's a bus, not a train.  I generally don't change seats just because I'm lazy and don't care to be moving around on a moving bus.  However, I'm not offended if a fellow rider decides to change seats.  To each their own I say.

    I guess if you were worried about how the other person may feel you could say, "Think I'll make a bit more room for you," and smile as you get up.  I really doubt anyone would care either way if you changed seats.

  5. It's not really rude, just a matter of making yourself more comfortable/less congested.

    I used to get up and switch seats when the bus emptied out and some seats free'd up.

  6. I suppose that staying is ruder. I move and have seen other people move. It only seems natural. I like having more room. Don't you? I think most people do.

  7. I would move. It's not being rude. There is no reason why you shouldn't move to another seat if there are tons available.

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