
Is it rude to mow early in the morning?

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i dont want to be a disturbance but it gets very hot here and i work later in the day...




  1. By keeping your property up it improves the value of your neighborhood, if they are bothered by the fact that you are being a good neighbor, do NOT let it stop you. They will thank you one day when they go to sell their home and get a better price because it is in a well kept neighborhood. aaaah!!!! the sound of money going into my pocket so early in the morning. But Do not mow at midnight, that would be rude!

  2. How big is your yard? As a person who works swing-shift I wait until my days off and mow in the evening (my yard is almost 2 acres!) with a cold beer or 2. You also might want to get a old fashion push/reel type mower. No gasoline/pollution, very little noise, good exercise.

  3. Most areas have ordinances for how early you can begin work.  Around where I live it is 7:00am.   If there is no hurry to mow I would wait till about 9:00am. just to give neighbors time to wake up.

    I bet if you chose not to mow at all your neighbors would get even more angry lol!

  4. In my neighborhood, people usually wait until after 8:00 to mow. That said, you also want to make sure the lawn is dry before you mow. Cutting wet grass will spread disease organisms through the lawn and increase the chances that you'll have to use a chemical fungicide later.

  5. The simple solutions is to ask your closest neighbors if they mind.

    The only real reason as not to start too terribly early is the possibility of waking a baby, which my frustrate a tired mom.

    You could also invest in an electric mower, which wouldn't bother anybody at anytime.

    Good luck and stay cool

  6. of course not!

    beat the heat and wake up your neighbors.

    what if their alarm clock didnt go off, you'd save them from being late to work.

    and if they get mad, just mow their lawn too just as a kind gesture or a nice apology.

  7. I use to think it was rude. However, I work 3rd shift and hubby drives a truck locally for 14 hours a day. I started thinking about it and we have to get stuff done too. I live in condos now. My neighbor doesn't think about the fact I work 3rds when he is over there renovating his home at 10 in the morning. I understand that is what time is best for him. He will have to deal with it if I make a little bit of noise at 6am when I get off work.

  8. Personally, I think you shouldn't mow much earlier than 9 a.m. and absolutely no earlier than 8 a.m. to accomodate "typical" people's schedules.

  9. well not really. i hear people mowing their lawn in the morning all the time and it is a little annoying but it's their lawn and their mower.

  10. id say ten at the weekend was the earliest you should do it or nine in the week as most people are at work anyway

  11. After 0800 should be OK.

  12. I don't mow before 9 am. I think it is rude to mow real early. Mowing your lawn at 7 am on a Saturday would clearly wake your neighbors

  13. Yes its very rude. Mow your lawn like 2 hours before night arrives.

  14. I'd hate it if my neighbor would mow his lawn early in the morning becuz i like having complete silence, with the exception of a fan or a/c. it depends on how early or late you get up. if you're an "early robin", then it would be fine, but if you're a late snoozer, then it would be rude.

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