
Is it rude to not reply to someone's message on MSN?

by  |  earlier

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... if it's someone who ignores you when he/she sees you but messages you as soon as they need something.




  1. Well if you keep ignoring them, they will keep bothering you. If you tell them to f*ck off and tell them why, then you've gotten rid of them. That's what I did.  

  2. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, so they say. I don't know how close you are to this person in real life, but if I were you I would wait several hours until that person was offline the send a message saying "Sorry I missed you, I was busy all day long."

    It is very rude to tell someone to f*** off, especially if they are a relative, a friend, a friend of a friend, a colleague, basically anyone you interact with in real life. If it's some random internet person it's rude but a good solution if they are bugging you.

    I don't know if MSN has this, but in many IM programs you can make yourself look permanently offline to certain people. I have done this with an annoying ex of one of my friends.

  3. someone who only contacts you when they need something is a selfish user. dont let it continue!

  4. It would be rude to ignore someone ordinarily but if they ignore you to h**l with them. Let them get what they need elsewhere.

  5. That's the beauty of online chats...You are NOT obligated to chat with anyone.  Plus - there's this GREAT tool where you can block people....especially people like that!    

  6. Omg i have the exact same problem!!

    i just do whatever they want me to because you'll feel better because you've made the effort.


    lol if she ignores you in real life, if she picks on you and makes a potential social embarassment then you can use your goodness to show her up in front of her friends.

    hope i helped. :)

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