
Is it rude to not shake hands when you meet someone?

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking about this because in most cases when I'm in the restroom, I notice 90% of the men don't wash their hands. They continue on about their day like nothing. What else do they do after? eat, shake hands? So what could you say to someone when they try to shake your hand?





  2. shake their hand then wash your hands at the next available moment!

  3. If you're worried about it, wear gloves (fashionable gloves, not like, surgical gloves...)

    The germs and dirt are part of the bond that is made when hands are shaken, so make it a firm handshake, picking up plenty of grime from the hands is a sign of respect.

    And always shake with your jerking hand.

  4. I probably woudn't shake their hands either if i had known they didn't wash their hands.

    but i'm a really unfront person (sometimes not a good thing)

    so if they asked why i didnt want to shake their hand, I would tell them. :) Try it. They'll probably think about it more. Especially if you say it in front of someone :P Can turn out to be pretty funny. But I've found that doing stuff like that works for me.

  5. you could ask them if they brushed their teeth and then give them a sloppy kiss instead, that way you don't have to worry about nasty hand bacteria....

  6. I try not to but sometimes it's unavoidable.

  7. as soon as i read this question thats the exact thing that came to my mind too. i always carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with me, but i guess you could wear latex gloves all day too. i'm thinking about doing that.

  8. if i really don't want to shake someones hand i'll pretend to sneeze into mine, so they won't want to, i don't think it's rude, it's not very common in everyday life, only in business, i think a polite nod is just as good

  9. I like the fist pound idea.  I don't like to shake either.

  10. do the fist pound...might look dorky if ure not a brotha..but better than shakin do do hands all day.

  11. never think about it..i do it out of respect

  12. You can't go around fist pumping colleagues and clients... it's a bit juvenille.  Keep the fist pumping to your friends and basketball court...

    If it grosses you out - use hand sanitizer.. But as a professional man/woman - hand shakes are necessary..  It establishes equality... At work,  If you shy away from handshaking it can become an awkward situation and may come off appearing weak.

  13. just shake their hand and carry around hand sanitizer, then you're not rude and you're still sanitary

  14. I knew it!  Guys are so gross.

  15. I don't think it's rude at all. I understand why people do it in the business type word as a form of greeting but I don't think NOT shaking hands would be rude (as long as you nod your head in greet and say pleased to meet you or something). I don't shake hands as I'm female and I think it is a very masculine thing to do (and no I don't expect men to kiss my hand or anything either). I don't touch men that I don't know, that is an invasion of mine and their space. I kiss my girlfriends on the cheek and when I meet someone new I smile a lovely smile and say 'hi, really good to meet you' with direct eye contact and genuine interest.

    Curiousaboutit - your answer is so funny, I nearly fell of my chair tee hee 'if your not a brother'. I'm still laughing, you've made my day! x

  16. Well the Inuits rub could try that instead.

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