
Is it rude to say "cop" around a police officer? ?

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Is it rude to say "cop" around a police officer? ?




  1. I don't know. Call them sir or ma'am, depending on their gender or officer or deputy depending if they are police or sheriff's deputies like in my area, and you usually won't have a problem.  

  2. I dont think so. Well i made friends with my schools police officer and i would go up to him and say "aaayyyyy cop" and he didnt mind. But thats just me. Never know when your gonna catch someone on their off day, or with a low tolerance. I watched Cops when this mexican dude kept calling a cop that was funny lol

  3. they are use to the term

  4. thats a good question. personally i would think not

  5. Depends upon the cop, most cops call themselves cops. COP = Constable on Patrol.

  6. "Cop" is not a derogatory term.

    It may be informal, but not derogatory.

    It was first used in the 15th century, as a slang term for the Old English word "caper", meaning "to seize", or "to capture".  It is still used today in other forms, such as "cop an attitude" and "cop a feel".

  7. Yes.

    The correct term is police officer. That is the term that you should use.

  8. They can take it. They're used to it. They even use the word themselves.

  9. I wouldn't ever think "cop" was rude or disrespectful.

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