
Is it rude to shut a window on a train without asking?

by  |  earlier

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Its obvious someone sitting there has opened it because it is hot. It really annoys me when some one closes the window. If you don't want to sit under an open window sit somewhere else! its 25 degrees out for crying out loud!




  1. In a shared seating arrangement or in a shared compartment it's always appropriate to ask about closing or opening the window.  To do otherwise would be considered rude since it shows that the person is not considering his/her fellow travellers.

  2. is the window a shared window to both seats.?  then asking if you can close it a little would be polite.  

    I beat it annoys the other person that is hot is someone else closes the window when they want it open cause they are hot.. you think..?

  3. not really if it bothers you then it is rude

  4. Yeah I think it is a bit rude to shut it without asking, but if they are directly under the window then they may see it as "their" window so they don't have to ask anyone else if they can close it.

  5. it is rude the problem with those windows is that the person under it doesn't really get the cooling effect  it's further down the train  that can get really blowy.......... but some trains the windows can only be closed with a key anyhow .............. it's more a problem when the air con doesn't work and it's hot out.................

  6. Some people might feel cold easily.. if you shared a compartment or a seat and an elderly person was sitting opposite you.. their circulation is a lot slower so they get colder a lot quicker...  .. ''the person who feels cold should say '' do you mind but I feel cool, may I close the window'' same as it's rude when some open the windows wide and its November and think that is ok without asking for permission from co-passengers.. opening or closing windows.. if it bothers others one should always ask...

    If I saw an open window in November and the heating in the train is on and it's snow outside.. I would not ask.. if I didn't know who opened it.. I would definitely close it. and ask everyone else sitting near me...''do you mind closing your window.. it blows cold air in here''. In winter one doesn't have to sit under the open window.. I can sit a long way back it still feels icy cold... so out of politeness one asks...25 degrees is warm... but on a fast moving train it won't be that hot.. with the window open...

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