Hi all, I was invited to a friend's house for a party Friday night. Alcohol was served and everyone was feeling good about themselves and conversing with each other. A litle later a deck of cards was brought out, and a few people decided to play poker with no money involved. By close to midnight everyone was pretty heavily intoxicated and someone suggested to play strip poker. There were a lot of volunteers from men and women alike. And to make it interesting I was staring at one of the female poker players let's just say she was "well endowed" and was already topless. She got mad at me for staring at her jugs! I am like, what the heck? Do I need to explain how men work? Am I right or wrong here? Ladies your opinions please? If you can't handle it, then don't play it. To the ladies out there, have you experienced playing strip poker? If not would you try anything once? And why would you get mad if the guys are checking you out. By the way I wasn't staring, I was just "glancing."