
Is it rude to talk on my mobile during dinner?

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Is it rude to talk on my mobile during dinner?




  1. The fact that your asking this question means you already know the answer. I'ts very rude and unacceptable.

  2. You cetainly not brought up in England !!  where are your any Country....

  3. i would excuse myself.

  4. Yes, in almost all circumstances.  Even if you are alone at home, you are still chewing into the ear of the person on the other end.

  5. yes it is

  6. Yes. turn it off berore you sit down.

  7. It is very rude to talk on your cell phone during dinner or when you are with a companion in any circumstance.  I think there are social situations where you are anticipating a call and have to briefly engage in a conversation, but two real social missteps are (1) talking on a cell phone while you are with someone else, and (2) while having dinner.  Even if you are alone in a public restaurant, talking on a cell phone during dinner is rude unless you can do it ever-so-quietly.  By the way, why is it rude to be in a cell phone conversation with someone else in your company?  They feel like "sloppy seconds."  That's just not nice.

  8. very rude. one of the rudest gestures besides burping while eating

  9. very

  10. yes did u rearly need 2 ask

  11. Yes !!!!!!

  12. YES! Talk to the people you are with.  Only if it is an emergency would you ever talk on the phone during dinner.

  13. Totally rude.

  14. Yes. Common courtesy is that if the call is an emergency, you'd leave the table after asking to be excused. If you know of no such pending calls, turn the phone off.

  15. Yes I think it's rude.  Going out to dinner is a nice thing.  You engage is nice conversation with the other person opposite from you.  I think if you feel the need to, step away and speak on the phone.  But not at the table!

  16. Yes it is very annoying to other diners. Either call later or leave the restaurant.

  17. The only way it isn't rude if your a doctor on call.  Otherwise, yes.

  18. well i would say yes

  19. No CHOMP.. CHOMP ..CHOMP I dont *BURP**Think so!

  20. yes i would consider it to be very rude to sit chatting on the mobile during dinner

  21. Gee, I guess the answer is YES!!!!

  22. yes that is completely bad manners.

  23. yes yes yes. If you have to have it on, in case a babysitter or someone needs to reach you, in that case put it on vibrate and focus on your dinner companion.

  24. It is very rude and it tends to annoy everyone around you. Can't you tell?

  25. it is rude to do during breakfast or lunch, too.

    unless you are expecting a call, then make it short or excuse yourself momentarily


    turn your phone off during dinner, unless you are expecting an important call.  In which case, let the others know before you sit down - so as to alleviate the bad manners a little in advance.

  27. Yes. You should turn the mobile off if you are in a public place and leave the table and go outside if you need to make a call.

  28. yes, especially if ur on a date

  29. Talkin on the cell while eating at a restaurant is okay unless you want to wear my dinner.  Very Rude & remember - there are ears all around you who love to listen.

  30. Yes, it would be rude to speak on a mobile during dinner. It is always best to excuse yourself to receive or make calls, just out of common courtesy, as mobiles can be rude and irritating at the best of times.


  31. ............. the only acceptable time is if it is an emergency..othere then that, it is considered rude.............

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