
Is it rude to tell people to put their shopping carts away in cart holders at stores?

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I have a dent in my car because of a lazy person who didn't put there cart away on a windy day. Why are people so lazy to take those few extra steps?




  1. well you know when you park your car in big parking lots it's always a good idea to park around other cars.... people will be people... and people are by nature LAZY... OMGOSH>.... what a surprise!!!! lmao jk

    but seriously they should have signs that say park at your own risk. lol

    cheer up at least it didn't run you over... : ) Smile sweetie!

  2. ~~You aren't the parking lot police. If you want to have baskets put away, then just move them yourself when you see one out of place. No one likes someone telling them what to do (especially a stranger), unfortunately there are people with extreme temper problems. Safer for you to just take care of it yourself than risk confrontation. Maybe by setting a great example you will inspire others to not be so careless with theirs.~~

  3. Sister- It wouldn't be considered rude if you were to offer to take the cart for them, and either take it in the store with you or place the cart in the cart corral.

    I'm sorry to hear that your vehicle has dent in it. But truth be told there certainly are lazy citizens out in this world. So protect your vehicle in the far end of the parking lot and get some exercise while your shopping.

    Good day! Positive thoughts.

  4. just be on yr way, if you said that to me, id say mind yr own f***** business. Dont you have insurance? it wouldnt cover that? i think they have extra stuff to add on to yr insurance. comp and collision a tree falls on yr car , windshield cracked from hail etc

  5. Yeah it's know you are guilty of the same thing and there are people that get paid to do that job.

  6. Yes it's rude to ask or tell people you don't know to put their carts in the cart corral.

  7. If a store would like the carts to be put away, they should make them accessible.  I know of several grocery stores in my city that only have two in a very large parking lot.  If I have my 18 month old daughter with me, I'm concerned for her safety as well as mine, so no,  I don't always put my cart away.  I try my hardest to park as close to the cart area so that I can.  I do think the stores that have limited cart spaces, should pay to have someone out there collecting them.  As for your question, yes, it is rude to tell someone to do something just because you do it.  When do your rights super cede the rights of another?  

  8. I do not think it is rude at all to ask someone to be considerate enough to walk a few extra steps to put a cart up. Would they like it if it was their car that was damaged? I think not. Of course there are ways to say it, and now a days you never know what kind of person you are dealing with. I know when I go to stores like Wal-Mart, I try to take a cart out of the parking lot into the store with me. I have no problems kindly asking someone to use consideration in doing something that will help prevent a lot of extra expense to someone else. I guess it is just a matter of what kind of person you are, and what kind of person you might be dealing with. If you feel it unsafe, then wait until they pull away and do it yourself. I have done this as well.  

  9. Is it really worth being abused over? My dad asked someone in a car park to do something similar and this lady yelled and screamed at him so much that he wished he had said nothing.

  10. Yes,  it is rude even if it is irratationg to see carts blowing around in the wind.

    In Europe, I never see carts loose because we have to pay a depoist on the carts and only get our 75 cents back when we return it.

    It is a senceable thing since everyone wants to collect back their change.

  11. god i love how lazy people make excuses for themselves plenty of people have kids and put their carts away plenty of people dont feel well and put their carts awat if your too lazy to put them back dont use them at all! its not rude for you to tell them that thats why lazy @$$Es still do it b.c noone will say anything to them.

  12. not at all.. it takes like 3 seconds.

  13. No it is not rude, Say the truth in Love!!!

    I have seen in Germany carts with coins, similar to what we have here at airports; you push the coin inside the slot, it releases the cart ,once you put the cart back and attach it to the line of cars using a chain locker you will be able to get your coin back, we need something like this here in US as well.  

  14. I know. It's so ridiculous. Once a lady asked me if I wanted her cart so I gave her the quarter and took the cart from her. She was old and couldn't walk very in those circumstances you could maybe offer to take the cart off their hands. But for most people, there is no excuse not to put them away. It's not a far walk. I hate pulling into an empty spot only to find five shopping carts sitting there.

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