
Is it rude to tell someone that you're not comfortable talking to them?

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Is it rude to tell someone that you're not comfortable talking to them?




  1. yes becuase im very sensitive so i would be offended :/

  2. No but you should give them examples why this is so, that might help them to change.. If someone told me they were uncomfortable talking to me I would see it as perhaps constructive criticism so I would want to know what I can do that people feel at ease talking to me.. so try to find some ways to say in a not insulting but honest way why you don't feel comfortable..  I would want to know it if someone told me..  xx

  3. If you're really apologetic, and smile, and aren't mean about it, then no.  

  4. If you're not comfortable talking to someone then don't talk to them. There is no need to tell them and possibly hurt their feelings.

  5. For some people, it depends who they are. If you give them a reason they might understand, depending who it is! :) hope this helped.

  6. It is not nice manner to tell someone that you are uncomfortable talking to them. It will be surely thought as rude.

  7. It might be perceived as being rude to say something like that flat out to someone. This is my advice:

    If the person you are not comfortable talking to is not a friend, simply be polite when you tell him or her. Simply say something to the effect of, "I'm sorry, but I just don't feel comfortable talking to you." That expresses the way you feel while hopefully keeping the individual's feelings in-tact.

    If the person is a friend, I would assume that you don't feel comfortable talking to him or her about something specific. Tell it like it is, but again be polite. One technique I use to "let people down easy" is what some people call the sandwiching approach. Start by saying something positive, such as, "I appreciate your opinion," then let them know what you mean to tell them, "but I'm not really comfortable talking to you about this." Finish off by making another positive statement.

    Good luck!

  8. Yes it is. It may hurt them.

  9. You know, it really depends.  If it's some old creepy man who has latched onto you with bad motives - then no it isn't rude.

    If this is someone you've given your number or email address to, then you invited it.  While you are within your rights to change your mind about wanting to continue talking to them, you'll need to use some tact (or call blocking or spam filter :-).  If you are uncomfortable with them, there's a reason and you don't want to make a sticky situation worse.

    If this is someone who got your number or email from someone else and decided to launch a surprise connect - then by all means find a way to let them know that you're not happy with the person who gave out your personal info, and that you're simply not in a sociable mood these days.  Thank them in advance for their understanding.

    If this is a school thing - hmmm.  Hard one.  Why not try to go out of your comfort zone and treat them the way you want to be treated.  There may be some good karma in store for you.  However, if you're truly uncomfortable, again, tell them you're simply not in a sociable mood - tell them "it's me, not you.  I hope you understand, and thanks for being so easy to tell this to."  

  10. no jus tell them the truth  

  11. What if someone told you that?  Does that answer your question?

  12. no, not really... you're just being honest

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