
Is it rude to walk through another door if someone is holding a door for you?

by  |  earlier

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I've held a door open for someone, and even after making eye contact, they walk a couple steps over and open another door and go through that one instead.




  1. Well me and my best friend Marisa think its rude unless the other person doesn't say something like "here you go" or if they don't make eye contact cause' they might be holding it for someone else but other than that its pretty rude.

  2. lol dats funny but yeah that is rude

  3. Very rude!

  4. Well. They might not have wanted to go where that door leaded to. But it depends really. It was probably rude.

  5. Maybe they thought they couldn't fit or that you were too much in their way. Thats what I've come up with anyway.Yeah it's rude..... It's happened to me before, I don't do it anymore(and they'll say Im rude for that). lol

  6. it is all dependent on perception. if the other person deliberately did it then it is rude otherwise it is all about not drawing attention or creating a situation  that will create vulnerability . don't take it  personal.

  7. Yes, it is extremely rude.  

  8. If you dont know the person, no.  

  9. i don't get it?

  10. if they're a normal reg person then yes... then it's entirely rude.

    but if they're anti-social and full of deep decepting thoughts of homicide... then no... it's just another day and i would be glad they didn't walk through the door i held open for them...

    good luck

  11. Wow yes that's super rude!!!

  12. um, well yeah of course.

    why wouldn't it be?

  13. No it isn't.  People have the right to choose which door they want to go through.  And more generally, etiquette does allow people to choose not to interact with strangers, even in small ways.

    (It would, of course, have been rude if they'd walked through your door without saying thank you.)

  14. hahaha! yea thats pretty mean!

  15. Just walk through if they open it for you

    and hold it for other people

    yes it was rude but i would of gotten over it ten minutes later.

  16. I can see why. You are disrupting the whole order of the universe. It is like when cars stop on a busy street to let me cross. Just go so I can make my way across without having you stop traffic and now you want a head nod or a small wave. That was even more work for me than waiting on you to go past me. Saying thank you and engaging in small chatty conversation is actually more work than opening a door.  

  17. definitely rude

  18. That IS pretty off-putting, and I can see how it does seem rude, but I don't know that it technically is.  I think it's very ungrateful and very stupid, but I don't know that it's actually considered rude.

  19. Maybe she was a feminist trying to prove a point.

    Or maybe she thought that you looked shady.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much.  She obviously has some type of problem with people being polite to her.

  20. No.

  21. yeah that's pretty rude.  

  22. lol maybe they were just nervous

  23. That is better than them blurting out "I can open a door for myself, thank you."

    For some reason they may question your motives or may have thought you were holding it open for another reason.

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