
Is it rude to wear jeans and a t-shirt to church?

by  |  earlier

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I'm asking this because I really want to go but I don't have any dressy clothes to wear.




  1. rude?

    to whom, God?

    I wouldn't worry about it

    They'd probably rather have your donation in jeans than no donation at all

    That IS what church is about, isnt it?

  2. lf there were truly a god...he would not care how you were dressed.lf you go back to the days when jesus was preaching....look how all the people were rags.

    You will pass the fashion test.

  3. Youn shouldn't wear a jeans and a T-shirt.

    just read 1 timothy 2:9

    and you'll see what i mean

    for christians you should wear a long skirt

    a formal dress

    because pants is only for men

    and if a woman wear that .. it's a total disgrace for her

    hope i helped :)

    Answer mine?;...;...;...

  4. Not in our church, you can wear what you want.  I think most churches have gone to a "Come as you are" dress code.  You will have those who dress up and those who dress down.

    Neat and clean is the main thing, have some self respect and be neat and clean, jeans and a t-shirt are fine.

  5. no as long as the shirt isn't to reveling if u no want i mean

  6. In the past the church would have wanted you to make an effort in your appearance.  These days the church just wants you to make an effort to go to church.  There is nothing wrong with what you wear.  Better to go to church than not.  Older members may look down on what you are wearing, but it's better to go than not.

  7. no its not rude at all

  8. no- not rude just tacky

  9. Our church is very casual and jeans and T shirts are the norm, especially in the youth group. When we go on mission trips, have VBS, etc, we often get matching T shirts. As long as the jeans are not too tight or hang down too low, it is fine.

  10. Go. God doesn't really care what you wear. Casual clothes are generally accepted at all churches today.

  11. It depends on the church.  Dress to the congregation if you can.  Dressing for God is not important, remember His Son ran around in sandles and robes, and had long hair and a beard.  In the country women wear jeans, but I rarely see a t-shirt, so usually it is a pair of clean jeans and a blouse.  The men usually wear jeans, shirt, and their dress boots.

  12. God doesn't care.  You can look like a hooker and God will still love you and be glad you are there.  

  13. No.  I don't feel it's rude.  You wear the best you have and you are not there for a fashion statement, at least it shouldn't be that way.

  14. No, it is not "rude to wear jeans and a t-shirt to church". It will please God that you are making an attempt to seek Him, I assume that why you're going. However, I believe, that if you have nice clothes then you should wear them because a Church is suppose to be a nice place.

  15. I think there are enough Bible stories that tell us that God is happy you go to visit his house and listen to the words.  Each time you go, there may be something new to learn or a reminder to work on some personal spiritual goals.  It is something between you and him.  I am one of those people that does make it a personal point to dress up; but, I am not looking at the person beside me wearing jeans or shorts and thinking they are in any way below me.  You have your own comfort zone.  It is just something that makes me feel that I am taking the time to treat this Saturday or Sunday like a very important event in my life.  God Bless you.

  16. Go as you are. If that is all you have then go. God is more concerned with your soul than he is about your name brand dressy attire.  

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