
Is it rude when this happens? ?

by  |  earlier

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I have uncles at my house right now...who are drunk, screaming, clapping, and cheering as they are watching this singing dad (the owner of this house) has had his share of drinks with them and gone to sleep...although that is proving to be unsuccessful because of their loudness...he can't really tell them to leave because they have helped us build a storage in our backyard....but the guests still don't get the i know that...i will have to be their designated driver it wrong for them to be misusing someone's humilty in this way?




  1. Just because they helped doesn't mean they have free license to be asses. They get to come over, drink someone elses beer in someone elses house, and watch someone elses TV. That doesn't mean they can ruin someone elses sleep.

  2. They're being rude and disrespectful to you and your father

    the best thing you should do is kick them out right away and make them walk

    make sure they don't drive though!

    answer mines?;...

  3. drive them tonight, but talk to your dad about it. perhaps invite them over for breakfasts instead of evening entertainment. or only have them over when they have to work in the morning so they are less likely to stay late.

  4. extremly wrong.. i think that u shood let them walk!!

  5. Relax! if this happens too often, then maybe something should be done about it. But if it's just tonight.......your pops is the party pooper! Let them have fun!

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