
Is it sad that some parents will never be grandparents while their alive

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or have that good quality amount of time to spend with their grandchildren b/c men and women today are more focused on self/career, thus having kids much later?




  1. What's sadder is people who don't have enough food to eat.  Or the crisis in Darfur.  Or AIDS ravaging an entire continent.  Or the war in Iraq.  Or the fact that at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into s*x or otherwise abused during her lifetime.  But i guess i have different priorities.

  2. some people are not very good parents and would not make good grandparents. Quality VS quantity.  

  3. Yeah, I find it really sad!

    My parents are 3 times grand-parents (I have a son, my brother has 2), and they are only 50! We (my brother and I) feel really blessed to have our parents there to enjoy our children and help us give them positive role models!

  4. Yes, it is sad. But life is sad sometimes. I hope to have kids early so my parents and my husband's parents can have time to enjoy them. But it's also sad for the grandchildren. I never got to meet my mother's parents, they both died way before I was born. I often wish I could have known them.

  5. That's life.  That is the way it is for some.  Think on this, some grandparents are raising their grand kids, after they have raised their own kids.  The maternal parents are not around, because of drugs or whatever.  Where is the quality of parenting?  We should be thankful for the blessings we have, day to day.  It is our choices which alter our lives.  Choosing a career and trying to have a better life for your children, is what's up.  The lifeline for prosperity continues.  This is the day the Lord has made, let us be thankful and be glad in it.

  6. The guy below is a freaking dumb ***. And yes it is very sad that some parents will never get to meet their grand kids :(!!

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