
Is it sad when I become accostumed to sexual harassment?

by  |  earlier

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I used to feel such shame when someone made a sexual comment at me...I would feel so gross, disgusted, upset with myself.

Now, bc it has happened so many times, I just kinda think, "that's life" and move on.

Is that sad that I've become jaded to this?




  1. Its not sad.

  2. You must be something else.  Everybody "wants" you.  Wow, you are SO desirable.  Poor, poor you.  You are just SO attractive no one will leave you alone.

  3. you dont need to feel sad because that is life and you have to accept it but it also happens to others like me. just move on and be strong. protect yourself from that and be careful

  4. It's just normal acclimation to a stimulus.

    But it wouldn't hurt every once in a while to just tear a strip off of someone for making the comment.

    Let them know you can still bite.

  5. They are just g*y, afterall they are only doing it to impress their male friends...

  6. No, in a way it's a learning experience. It happens to everyone I think at some point, and makes you realize who is someone you should really worry about and those you should simply blow off.

    Wow - maybe I'm jaded too!

  7. It's far from sad miss ; I'd prefer to say it's the correct, progressive movement.. It IS part of life. It's merely a part of the mating ritual to continue our species. It's clearly much more important for females to stop being selfish & consider the satisfaction the man derives from it rather than as you say, their own disgusted, upset emotions. As you brilliantly point out, get over it & move on..

  8. We're a jaded country. About everything. Not just this.

    Start making smart comments back.

  9. Unfortunately this is the world we live in. I feel the same. But depending on the extent of the harassment, perhaps you should consider reporting whoever is harassing you/getting a new job/moving elsewhere?

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