
Is it safe (advisable) for a 19 year old girl to travel alone in England?

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Daughter wants to go tour England on her own.




  1. I would reckon so, as long as she is sensible eg, doesn't go clubbing alone or go to Rotherhithe/Brixton for example.

    I would always suggest that to travel as two is safer anywhere in the world - someone to watch your back.

    England is a right hotpotch of diversity nowadays, not all the people who come to live here have the same morals and decorum.

    Tell her to visit Brighton, the good people here are often in education, artistic, vibrant and kind to foreign visitors - after all you are on holiday and most of us are proud to show you our place and our good manners!

    Welcome for her holiday!!

  2. Definitely, expecially if she knows how to handle herself in cities.  My cousin just got back last year, she was 18 when she went, and went backpacking by herself there, staying in hostels.  She had a great time, and was an educational and empowering experience for her!

  3. i'd say no, with the current climate of youth violence.

    just yesterday, yet another young person, a 15 year Old girl was stabbed and murdered in London :-(

  4. well i suggest miss out London tonnes ov stabbins happen every day

  5. I think there's something very empowering about traveling to a foreign country by yourself. As a young girl, I can see why she is interested in doing this.

    Is it safe? That completely depends on your daughter. There is crime and danger everywhere, but if she knows how to handle herself, I should say it would be okay. She needs to be extremely street smart and have plans for where she is going to stay, finances, plans, etc. otherwise she'll just have too much idle time to get in trouble.

    Perhaps it would be a better idea to travel with a friend or group. It's not as exhilarating, but she'll get virtually the same experience.

    Either way, she's 19, and can make the decision on her own.

    Good luck!

  6. I'm 16 and I live in Scotland... i know it's not England but it is in the UK. I go up to Glasgow most weekends with my friends and I don't get much hassle.. and Glasgow is quite a violent city. It's alright if she's... streetwise I guess. But yeah I would advise her taking a friend with her.. especially if she doesn't know England very well.

  7. day time its ok...but at night should hav someone wit her...cheers

  8. yes if she smart enough. better have someone to receive in the airport.

  9. She should bring a friend along wth her.

  10. It's perfectly safe. It's not a third world country, it's one of the most sophisticated countries in the world. 19 year olds who live here don't feel the need to have a chaperone with them at all times.

  11. depends which part she is going.. but she is 19 she should be able to take care of her self

  12. She's an adult, let her do what she wants. Whether it's advisable or not is irrelevant. I don't see why there'd be a problem.

  13. As long as she's sensible and good alot of common sense.

    When i was 16 i was allwoed enough freedom to go to Central London on my own and to travel the country.

    But you do have to keep your wits about you, dont put yourself in obviously dangerous positions etc

    Good Luck!

  14. yeah its fine, shes 19. make sure she isnt going to be going to any of the rougher areas such as Hackney or Brixton but i doubt she would. theres nothing good to do there really...

    i dont mean to scare you or anything but there have been a lot of stabbings recently so it might be advisable to take someone else along with her - all of the touristy places will be absolutely fine though!

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