
Is it safe for a 13 turning 14 to drink energy drinks regularly?

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If there are risks please tell me them and if these drinks have any benifts tell me




  1. They are loaded with sugar which can give you serious problems. Next time they have one look at the can and see the nutritional facts. (They are not very nutritional).

  2. No they can give younger people heart problems

  3. its just the caffeine...

  4. Think of it this way... your body naturally lets you know when you're tired because it needs sleep.  When your body is fully rested, you won't feel tired.  Drinking 'energy drinks' basically masks your body's reaction to what your body actually needs. On top of that, an energy drink doesn't give you what your body needs (sleep). Instead, it loads it with sugar and caffeine, both of which cause temporary stimulations and then you 'crash' because neither can sustain prolonged energy. Think about what logically would be healthy for your body and you won't find yourself needing to drink energy drinks 'regularly.'

  5. its not really good at any age

  6. Most of them have lots of sugar and cafeine with is not good.  Drinking too many of them could be bad for your health.

  7. They are HORRIBLE! I don't think anyone should drink them honestly. They are full of sugar and a TON of caffeine.

    One of my friends has a larger monster every day and he is always having charlie horses and is retaining water and is very red in the legs and arms!

    I think they are nasty too!

  8. it actually depends on what u do all day long.

    if u play a sport or run or do some physical activity its ok to have an energy drink of maybe two( not more it has caffine).  but if u r at home all day and then have a load off drink its not good.remember it just gives u bac the energy u lose during a sport.

  9. Wat do u need energy 4 math class, get a life not an energy drink

  10. energy drinks are horrible for you.

    A lot of people say they are just like soda but they are nothing like it.  They are extremely dangerous and people are trying to get them to be made illegal. They have extremely high doses of caffeine in them that can cause your heart to race which then can lead to being taken to the hospital. If you look at the back of a can it tells you the serving size of one is half of the can. Most drink the entire thing.

    Not to mention the younger you are and skinnier you are the higher your risk is for drinking them.

    If you are to drink them, make sure you drink TWICE the ammount of water as an energy drink.  Think about it.

    research it also.

    When it comes down to the bottom of things it has to do with your own choice.

    I would say no.

  11. It's not really good for anyone to drink them. The high amounts of caffeine and sugar can cause heart problems if consumed on a regular basis. And they give you energy, but then cause you to crash, just making you want more.

  12. it has a lot of caffeine,  basicly like soda.

    drinking to much can lead to diabetics.

  13. its speeds them up then they crash making them tired nd a huge lose of energy

  14. No , Those drinks are not good for anyone , no matter what their age is .

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