
Is it safe for a 17 and 18 year old to go on holiday abroad on their own?

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Me and my cousin are planning on going abroad next June 2009, by the time we book it should be the end of this year my cousin will then be 18 when we book it, and i'll still be 17. Will the travel people we book it with be alright with this and is it safe?

We are both mature, and the resort we are going to i have been there before and will know my way around




  1. Well i don't think that it would be safe for just the two of you. You may be mature and all but if you were really truthfully mature, you would know that you are never mature enough, no matter how old you are, there is always more to learn. Now look at this video lol...

    and think about it maybe you all should invite someone else to come along though. Either way better safe than sorry, what do your parents think about it? and do they think its a good idea? In the end all that matters is their opinion. Just makes sure they know.

  2. The travel people shouldn't care, but it's probably a good idea to get your parents to back you just in case.  As for whether it's safe, that depends on where you're going and what you're going to do there.

  3. i moved to brazil for a year when i was 17, and turned 18 while i was there.  if your smart and careful, you should be ok.  about the travel agent, it just depends on their policies.

  4. Yes, if you are not on any kind of drugs, because looking for it

    can get you in to trouble, other wise if you stay within the

    tourist compound it is very safe and relanxing, also practice

    common sence, like not going to two guys room drink till you

    drop, ware jewerly keep all your money in you pocket etc. :)

    have clean fun

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