
Is it safe for a 9 yr old female virgin cat to be fixed? ?

by  |  earlier

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She belonged to an ex-neighbor, and she was never fixed. She's also never had kittens. I've been told that it would cost $1000 to get her fixed because she is over 5 yrs old as opposed to $100 for a cat under 5.




  1. Yes, you should get her fixed and no, it does not cost over 1k for the procedure to be done. With an older cat, the vet will do a thorough health screen and assessment along with various tests to determine that your cat is able to be placed under anesthesia for the surgery. However, the cost is not as far fetched as you've heard. Consult with your vet first and foremost to get an idea of any risks or complications when spaying an older cat as well as any additional costs involved.

  2. Perfectly safe.Your local spay/neuter clinic may not want to do it, though.

    Talk to your vet.

  3. get a second opinion because i don't think ive ever heard of it costing that much....

    and it should be safe... maybe there worried about the anesthesia

  4. Yes it is safe, although since your kitty is a senior (over 7 year old) your Veterinarian may recommend some pre-anasthetic tests (ECG & bloodtests) to make sure there is nothing to be concerned about before your cat is anasthetized.  If you opt to have the tests done, it will be a *little* bit more pricey - but worth it if she is going to be an outside cat.  Although, if she is going to stay indoors away from other cats it may not be necessary.  Also, I would inquire from your Vet about the age that cats stop ovulating.  She may already be too old to get pregnant.

  5. It's safe.

    Whoever told you that it would cost $1000 to her fixed was misinformed.  Though, it may cost's not nearly that much.

  6. yea boi.... duhh

  7. Get a second opinion, or more if you don't feel comfortable getting

    her spayed. Someone is yanking your chain if they're asking $1,000

    to spay a cat, and I wouldn't trust my cat to someone doing that.

    If she is in good health, and her bloodwork comes back okay,

    she should be good to go for spaying.

    The major risk of this, of course, is the anaesthetic. Any time

    someone goes under with that, there are risks of side effects.

    Discuss this with your vet.

    Good on you for taking this care of your cat. Good luck, and

    may it go well for both of you.

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