
Is it safe for a fifteen year old to be vegetarian?

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my mom said I should at least wait till my body stops developing.. I have been having health problems like dizziness all the time, weakness, going to the bathroom all the time.. Please help me..




  1. yeah i think its fine since i started at 11 but since ur getting all thoses symtoms i would take vitamins and eat alot of foods with protein

  2. Well I'm 13 and have been a vegetarian for 3 months, and no problems at all. So maybe go to your doctor?

  3. Eat as much fiber, iron and calcium enriched food. Like spinach leaves are great. Also I would recomend take multi- vitiamins. Best of luck!

  4. Well it really depends on the person. There is no universal standard for diet. Just like fitness and health everyones body is different. The problem usually protien. You have to make sure you are not replacing the loss of protien with extra carbs and fatty foods or things of that nature. If you do this you are gaurenteed to gain weight and are going to be over all a less healthy individual. I was a vegetarian for 4 years and just this past week started eating meat again. I feel no different.

  5. Sure it's safe.

    But you need to address those problems immediately, regardless of your diet.

  6. It's safe as long as you eat right. Write some food plans for a few days and show them to your mom. If she knows that you came up with ways to eat healthily, she might re-consider. Protein is a big problem when it comes to vegetarianism. These frozen vegetarian dinners called Amy's, they have a lot of protien, try veggie burgers and meat substitutes which I think have protein but if they don't don't eat them on a daily basis. Calcium can be hard too if you don't drink milk, drink soymilk, silk soymilk has the same amount of calcium as regular milk. Eat at least one fruit per day, have vegetable side dishes with your meals, limit the cola and you'll be fine. If you want a compromise become a pescetarian. Tell her some bad stuff about meat (fattening, bad for the environment (it's more polluting than driving cars!) food poisioning if you don't cook it right, cruelty, growth hormones (unless the package says no growth hormones), higher chance of getting cancer, etc.) Just don't overdo it. Even if you want to, meat eaters hate vegetarians who preach. Also take a multi vitiman to ensure good  health. Also ask your doctor about certain nutritious foods like meat alternitives. Good luck! Also, vegetarians tend to be skinnier than meat eaters, just don't eat like me and you'll be fine.

  7. It's safe for everyone. Just be sure you get enough protein and iron.

  8. You need to take a multi-vitamin. Eat protein enriched foods also.

  9. I have been either Vegetarian or vegan since i was 12 years old...Im now 9 mos pregnant with a 100% healthy 10 lb baby, and havent had to take a persciption drug or had much worse than a cold since i was 12 years chronic bronchitis and ear infections stopped when i stopped the meat...I grew perfectly healthy....a healthy vegetarian lifestyle is much better than an unhealthy carnivorous lifestyle  

    PS...let your mom know, humans were never ment to be meat eaters in the first place, if she doesnt believe you, look into the structure of our teeth and find out what our Appendix is and what it used to be for before we started eating meat and it shrivled up and became inactive!

  10. It is safe, if you take the time to eat healthy.  If you want to pursue this, make sure you get a vegetarian cook book and eat healthy.  Sometimes people think that they will just not eat meat and spend their time eating chips, fries, and salad.

    There is more to that and you should eat a balanced diet.

    If you are weak and dizzy, you might want to increase the protein in your diet (cheese, eggs, soy, nuts).  

    Bathroom?  Increase your salt intake so that you retain a little water.

  11. It's completely safe for anyone of any age to be vegetarian or vegan.  My 8 month old daughter is a vegan and she's just fine.  You just have to be smart and eat a variety of things.  You can't, for example, live off of fake meat products.

  12. Your mom is right. Wait till you're 18 or so, and you will avoid the risk of anemia, limited growth, and osteoporosis later in life.

  13. Not at all. I am almost 12 and I am a vegetarian!! I am as healthy as can be!

  14. It is safe, but you have to do it right.  Do a lot of research on being a vegetarian so that you learn what to eat to get all of your required nutrients.  Those nutrients can come from non-animal products, you just need to be aware of your needs.  Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans, and soy products.

    Here is a great website for getting you started

  15. probably not, i agree with your mom, when your younger, you need to make sure you get a healthy diet, and everything in the food triangle. try researching it and waiting, then talk to your mom.

  16. It 's safe to start AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

  17. I'm 15 and have been a vegetarian for almost a year now. Im healthier then my meating eating family&friends. Just do your research..find some protein enriched recipes that you think will taste good and go for it.

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