
Is it safe for a person that is diabetic to take diet pills?

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I was diagnosed with boarder-line diabetes, and I'm like 30 lbs. over weight. Exercise, dieting is not helping.




  1. instead of diet pills, adapt to diabetic eating habits.

    if you eat like a diabetic, you will be healthier, you will lose weight and you will be far less likely to develop diabetes.

    aim for an hour of cardio exercise 3 times a week, and a 30min walk on each of the other 4 days. this will help your body lose the excess weight, look and feel fantastic and be healthy.

    diet pills are not safe for anyone, let alone diabetics.

  2. It's not safe for anyone to take diet pills. You'll end up crapping in a bag. Try not to diet: eat when your stomach tells you its hungry and at no other time. Also try and take light exercise, although you don't have to, because if you don't exercise, your body still knows the amount of food that is right for you.

  3. Do not take diet pills!!!!

    Here are 4 rules my doctor gave me when I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes back in Dec. 2006:

    1) Eat more fruits and vegetables.  There are some amazing fruits and veggies if you are willing to try things.

    2) Eat food not chemicals (avoid processed foods)

    3) If God made it, it is OK

    4) Eat less, exercise more

    I have lost 55 pounds since August 2006 (and kept it off).  Also remember watch your caloric intake.  women should eat 1500 calories and men should eat 2000 calories.  Depending on how intense your exercise program is, you can add a few more calories.  I generally burn a minimum of 500 calories each workout (generally about 800 calories, sometimes over 1000).  It gives me flexibility to eat slightly more than 2000 calories and maintain my weight.

  4. i would talk to your doctor first. they could set you up with a dietician who could help you drop that extra 30 lbs

    good luck! :]

  5. No. Diet pills are not recommended for anyone and especially not fro diabetics. Try walking for 45 minutes a day, eating green vegetables. Get 8 hours sleep. Research has determined that lack of sleep makes us gain pounds more easily.

  6. Be careful with diet pills--I've had some bad experiences trying some of them. What I did find to work really well though was a natural supplement of Acai berry which I actually saw on Oprah. It was a while ago, but I ordered a free sample from and it's been great for helping increase my energy, metabolism, and keeping my body healthy! I've lost weight and I feel much, much better than I did when I was on the pills.

  7. they can be if taken under Dr supervision. weight loss will have an effect on your metabolism and your diabetes, so the only safe way would be under the direction of a Dr

  8. Here is a crash course in loosing serious weight, just cut out all sugars and refined carbohydrates, no soft drinks, sodas, fruit juice. you get the idea. But diet pills, although they may not kill you, you should ask a doctor first. Loose weight through cutting out the c**p.

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