
Is it safe for an American to visit Columbia right now?

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Well, is it?




  1. Charlie is right. It does depend on what part you go to, who you go with, and what you will be doing.

    I would also recommend that if you are planning a trip to Colombia, check out or Both of those sites have great travel tips...

  2. I agree; pay attention to spelling.  Meantime, I've been down there about 10 times in the last 3 years.  I'm as gringo as they come - blondish hair, green eyes, talller than most Colombians.... I've never been treated better and made to feel more at home in a foreign country.  I probably break all the rules and admonishments - I've been just about everywhere in the country and I routinely travel on open roads.  If you speak Spanish and exercise care (you'll have to do better than you did with the spelling..:)), it'll be fine.  

    Let me know if you need any recs or have other questions.

  3. First, spell it correctly, the name of the country is COLOMBIA.

    Secondly, it depends where you aer going. If you are sticking to major cities, then yes it is pretty safe. The president dramatically reduced crime over the past 5 years in the country, violent crime is pretty low.  Unfortunately crime in rural areas is still high.  I would stick to major cities like Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Cartagena and Santa Marta (the last two are very touristy shore beach spots on the carribean, very safe).

    Just keep your wits about you liek you would in any major city and dont flash around your money or jewelry, you dont want to get pickpocketed.

  4. See th website below for the travel advisory from the U.S. gov't regarding Colombia.  You have to decide for yourself.  I suppose a lot depends on the people you will be with, the activities you take part in and the aras you go to.

  5. It is safe, actually, it is up to you, nothing is gonna happen as far as you use your common sense, every place can be dangerous, but as long as you go to safe places, taking cabs from the hotel, everything is gonna be all right. Bogota (the main city) is a normal city, you can see nice and ugly places, you can meet different kind of persons, but is like another cities around the world. there are other cities that you may be interested like Medellin, Cali, Cartagena, El eje cafetero, Santa Marta, Barranquilla....

  6. Anywhere you go in the world....There is risk involved when it comes to safety because your going to a place your unfamiliar with.

    Colombia is on the USA's black list due to the Guerilla that have plagued our country for many years....

    It really comes down to where you go and your plans ....if you stick to big cities..or touristy areas....its is relatively safe.

    Like going anywhere....take all precautions...and try your best not to look like an obvious tourist.

    I 've been to Colombia so many times....I just blend in with the crowd and I feel as safe as I do here in NYC.

    Its a beautiful country  all around and Its just a shame of the situation over there.

  7. hey my friend, first of all, like everyone said, it is COLOMBIA. Not columbia...

    second, Colombia is really safe depending where you are going. I think Bogota is safer than NYC. The cities where you can feel safe are Medellin, Cali, Bogota, Barranquilla, Santa Marta, Cartagena and San Andres. Colombia is just like every country...probably other countries are really dangerous, when you go there, you will see that Colombia is a nice city with really great people who love to see tourist enjoying the country. I saw that back in Santa Marta, i saw a lot of americans and they were really happy being there. and ocoming back to USA, I saw many americans really happy of the vacations that they got... Colombia is a beautiful country. Mel Gibson was just there a few weeks ago, and he didnt have bodyguards or anything...and Clinton loves Colombia very much, he has been there 3 times already. He loves there. Bill Gates said that he is coming back to Colombia for vacations because he fell in love with my, there is not problem if you go...enjoy your time, dont think about bad positive...

    like they say in my country: Colombia is passion.

    i recommend you to see this video

  8. Colombia is not as dangerous as people make it out to be...I was born and raised there and I was never ever ever offered family doesn't traffic drug...nobody that I know traffic drugs...people think that everywhere you go there's going to be somebody there trying to sell you some but it is not true at I am not saying that danger doesn't exist there because I would be lying. At this day in age, there is not 1 place in this world that is entirely safe...of course there are places more dangerous that others but for the most part Colombia is safe...

    I would recommend that you go to Colombia because it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. I am from Colombia. From a city located in the caribbean part of Colombia named Cartagena. Our people are diverse and friendly. The food is really good and healthly as well. There are many places to visit. You can go to El Centro which translates to "The Center".  All the touristic places will be at the center of the city...It is a Colonial Old Town, you can go to El Castillo de San Felipe ( The Castle of San Felipe), Las Murallas( The Forts)...and the way the beaches are really pretty too...Bocagrande, Castillo Grande, El name a few... I hope that you go to Colombia and that you have a good time! enjoy;)

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