
Is it safe for me to drink Milk in Mexico?

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I'm a Canadian, living in Mexico currently, and I'm wondering if there's really any difference. I've been told all sorts of Hoopla, and I really don't know what to believe. Can anyone help!?




  1. of course you can dude, I am mexican and I have been drinking milk for 30 years, if it wasn´t safe, we all be dead now....daaa!


  2. LOL. Dont worry!

    Milk in Mexico is better tasting than American milk.

    Milk in Mexico is conserved in packages rather than plastic gallons.

    The container which milk is conserved in is called the Treta-Pak. It is a special item which allows milk to be left in the pantry whilst its not opened. Upon open place in the fridge.

    There is no big deal with milk in Mexico.

    You might run more problems eating out in the street than drinking milk bought from a store.

    Enjoy your stay!

  3. If it is pasteurized, it is OK to drink.  I wouldn't risk it otherwise.

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