
Is it safe for me to drink red bull energy drink everyday?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17, 5'5 and 130lbs. I drink one or two red bulls everyday, 5 days a week. I worry whether the drink is safe enough to drink for someone my age and or my body proportions.




  1. not everyday because all the caffine would boost your heart rate and would cause more likeley of a heart attack or other heart/blood problems drinking redbull isnt bad for you it just depends on how much you drink and how often if you drink alot of redbull only on weekends its worse then drinking one everyday kindof like achohol.

  2. I say NO I have given up sodas entirely  try fruit or vegetable juice....I'm 66

  3. no, red bull is extremely unhealthy.

  4. i dosnt matter how tall you are or how much you weigh red bull had an ingredent in it with a g (gosh i forgot what it was but it says it on the can and it is RELY bad for you if you have ALOT of it i sugest just drinking a few but not on a daily basis

  5. Red Bull only recommends having 1 to 2 a day so you are within your limit. Most energy drinks are basically suped up sodas and they have always said they are bad for you. But both sodas and energy drinks, if taken in moderation are NOT bad for you.

    Energy drinks have a number of stimulants. At least they have more natural and beneficial ingredients than soda does. Even though it has more sugar and caffeine than a soda Red Bull still has less caffeine then coffee. Red Bull has 80 mg and coffee starts at 85.

    Unless you are sensitive to caffeine the only problem you will have is too many of them. Moderation is somthing that most people do not seem to master and that is what causes problems.

  6. No.Doesnt matter if you're healthy, drinking stuff like this everyday is not only stupid but the effects is bad.

    Energy drinks I consider something you need to stay awake or focus, not something as a softdrink.

  7. its not good for you at all. try cutting down and you will be better off(:

  8. Red Bull Isn't very healthy because of all that caffeine. Also, if you drink the dark blue it's very fattening! It's not very healthy to drink red bull every day but if you want to just drink the light blue kind, its less fattening and it has the same amount of caffeine.

  9. that stuff is so unhealthy and it makes you sweat this smelly gross moldy odor

    avoid it mann

  10. might as well be digging your own grave.

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