
Is it safe for me to use this thingy majig?

by  |  earlier

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my mom told me to use this to clear my stuffy nose. she never tried it. here is this detail

ep euro sauna with lonic, anion & aromatherapy.


aromatic steam benefits span the ages, and now with Ellure paris' PURE AROMA and the EP Euro Sauna, you can receive the latest in all natural aromatherapy, right in the comfort of your known home.

Is it safe for me to use because I don't want to be fooled. If this thingy majig can fool people.

Its says it span the ages does that mean it affect the life and shorted my life. Can somebody help plz? I don't want to DIE.




  1. Personally I don't think you need to spend that much money to clear your sinuses. Aromatherapy used on its own can do wonders. Just put a drop of eucolpytus on a kleenex, breathe it in and POW! But if your mom wants to buy it, it is NOT going to hurt you.

    Aromatherapy is GREAT for clearing the sinuses. Try peppermint or eucalyptus from the aromatherapy ballpark or simple ginger or horseradish (the kind you buy at the store) can REALLY open your sinuses (trust me..that horseradish is WHOA)

    Both steam and aromatherapy is perfectly safe as long as you don't have a severe sensitivity to smell (and even then, aromatherapy smells aren't all fake so even sensitive people can use them).

    They really have been used since almost the dawn of modern civilization (like Greek or Roman at least, maybe before). The only harm to steam is too much exposure, so just stop steaming if you get lightheaded. You WILL NOT die.

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