
Is it safe for my hamster to stick the toliet paper i put for her nest in her cheecks ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm scared she might choke or something ; any answers ?




  1. well i think as long as it doesnt swallow it it'll be fine but just don't put any more in there to be sure

  2. if its not used it should be fine

  3. No, she won't choke. She'll just store it in there for a while and then spit it out.

  4. no that can heart the animal

  5. That is perfectly normal for a female hamster. Do not worry, she knows what she is doing.

  6. I wouldnt give her that...

  7. no it will be just fine if you use the right brand of TP

  8. It is perfectly safe. Thats how hamsters carry their stuff around. Including food,bedding treats,ect. I know this beacause i used to own 2 hamsters but they both passed away. But my one hamster Otto used to carry the bedding I put in there to his little "home". i hope this answered ur question. :)

  9. No, Alawys Use The Provided BRAND! Buy hamster bedding i have 3 hamster 1 died but in all i had them for 6 to 7 months thats a bad idea they can possibly die.

  10. They chew it up, then spit it up to make the nest.

  11. Toilet paper (or any paper) is not meant to be put into the mouth.  Paper is cured with chemicals during processing and it could make the animal sick.  It's also not food.  Hamsters usually eat the stuff they put in their cheeks, so your hamster is probably eventually eating this toilet paper.  He may not get sick and he probably won't die, but I wouldn't rule it out or call it safe.

    Your local pet store sells plenty of safe options to use for your hamster's bedding.  

    I'm glad you care enough about your hamster to seek out advice about this.

  12. Do not put toliet paper into your hamster's cage. It is not safe for it. Simply put, you should put bedding that can at least be found in nature or close to it. Toliet paper is for the toliet, not your animal. Believe me, they don't need it to wipe.

  13. It's not! Ya it will go into her throat, her air's not safe at all buddy..Except for food, nothing should be in any body's mouth because it would directly go into your body and could harm you in many ways. Poor hamster..can't even talk:( But we know more than she knows, so stop doing that now..u didn't know before, that's ok, but it might risk an animal's life..

  14. as long as your hamster doesnot swallow the toilet paper it should be fine.

  15. It is perfectly normal.  That is how they carry it around.  They don't have hands to carry things like us, so they store it in their cheeks.  Don't worry about her choking.  When I had hamsters, I would put tons of toilet paper in their cage and they would make nice fluffy nests in the corners.  They all lived long, happy lives sleeping in fluffy nests.  Don't listen to the other people saying they will choke.  They don't swallow it, they store it.

  16. I'm not sure.. use newspaper instead :P

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