
Is it safe/legal for company to throw photo chemicals in the dumpster?

by Guest65781  |  earlier

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The company I work for (a large well-known pharmacy chain) has been throwing the plastic bottles from the photo chemicals in the dumpster. Sometime's there's even a little bit of chemical left in the bottle. They said that the chemical company told them to do this. Isn't this a really bad idea? I'm just curious if it's even legal to dump something like that?




  1. If this happened somewhere in the US, then no it is not safe nor legal. There is a proper way to dispose of the photo chemicals the liquids (especcially the mercury) and bottles have to be seperated. The bottles need to be rinsed out and have holes poked in the bottoms and sides to get rid of as much chemical as possible. HAZMAT has specific laws in accordance, to which everyone in the company should be trained.

  2. It is widely known that the chemicals used in photo developing are toxic. There are tons of laws and procedures established regarding their proper disposal, just as there are for batteries, household chemicals, and computer monitors. There is no way the chemical company told your manager to do dispose of chemicals in this manner. They are lying to you to get you to comply, probably because it's easiest and cheapest for them and they don't understand how unhealthy and illegal this is.

  3. Hi,

    contact the EPA - environmental protection agency.

  4. I don't think it is neither safe to dump chemicals nor safe to do this. You should report this to your local town hall or environmental authority immediately. I am thinking may be China or Hong Kong citizens or chemical companies would have done something dangerous and environmental unfriendly. Are you sure, has it happened in US?

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