
Is it safe to abruptly start a vegan or vegetarian diet?

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If not, how should I go about it?




  1. Don't see why it would be a problem.  It isn't like you are going to be eating everything totally new and different - just not eating meat and their byproducts.

    Should be totally safe.  But if your concerned - talk to your doctor about it.

  2. Sure. I had no problems jumping right in.

  3. well when you start to introduce new foods to your stomach depending on who you are from on the onset with dealing with new foods it can go either really good or not so good lol but your stomach will get used to it and will know thats really good for it so it shouldnt effect you too much

  4. It may not be dangerous but it may be uncomfortable if you increase your daily fiber intake too quickly.

  5. I became vegetarian in the space of an hour.  There's nothing unsafe about not eating meat.

    I think the reason why some people experience a period of adjustment (digestively speaking) when they quit eating meat abruptly is that they're suddenly eating more fiber than they're used to.  It's not unsafe or unhealthy, but it may be uncomfortable until you get used to it.  (I didn't experience any adjustment period - I just stopped eating meat and that was it.)

  6. It is safe, but you might get gastronomical discomfort for the first few days (you might not, so this is a good way to go. I did it this way and I felt fine).

  7. If you're healthy, then yes, it's perfectly safe.  

    If you're diabetic or anything like that, then you should talk to a dietician first.

  8. If you know what to eat to replace what you're taking out of your diet, you'll be fine. But plant nutrients are harder for the body to absorb, so it may or may not cause a few problems. Just make sure you know everything you need to eat and have it handy. When you eat anything with iron, make sure you have it with vitamin C, as this will help the body absorb it better. Just know what you need to eat to stay healthy. If you don't know now, it may cause a few health problems.

  9. I jumped right into it and I'm doing good as a vegetarian. If you don't want to do that you could start by eliminating one food each week until you eat like a vegetarian or vegan, whichever one you want to be.

  10. i think you should sllowly do it. heres how i did it. i stopped eating red meats week by week for a while then went to chicken and seafood it worked out great ive been vego for 4 years

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