
Is it safe to assume that liberals are ok with abortion (killing babies)?

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but are against putting child rapist and murderers to death???




  1. and its safe to assume that republican president is ordering air force to bomb the c**p out of civilians  in iraq  

  2. Sounds reasonable to me.  An abortion takes place before the baby is born and it is not a living, breathing human being.

    Murderers and rapists should be executed since their offense does involve a crime against a living , breathing human being.

  3. Generally liberals are pro choice, not pro abortion.  A difference many don't seem to understand.

  4. I really don't get these libs that throw out any rational conversation that abortion is Killing a living person. They just deflect about bombing this or killing that, and blaming the republicans for something else. I also don't get it that libs claim to be the compassionate ones but the unborn living being in a woman's womb is the most vulnerable and most amazing creation there is!

  5. No.

    I suspect you're just asking thise question to be divisive but I'll answer seriously anyway.

    We believe that abortions should be few, safe, and legal. Republicans/ Conservatives will tell you they're pro-life, but what have they really done to limit the number of abortions besides call for it to be banned or made illegal? Why go to such extremes? Because they know it will never happen and they can continue to use it as a wedge issue. Here's what we need to do to eliminate the number of abortions, we need to educate people about the adoption option. We as a country also need to make sure that our children (teenagers) are getting the best information in regards to being sexually active, and not just abstinence only lectures. And then we need to attack the number one cause of abortions, POVERTY. If we as a country truly wish to reduce the number of abortions, then we need to offer the mothers more assistance. Perhaps we can offer condoms in low income areas, shelters and clinics. And maybe even in Public High Schools if a student first has a consent form signed by a parent and meets with a health counselor to discuss the risks of protected and unprotected s*x.

    NO ONE is okay with "killing babies."

    An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. Why do people cite the Bible as a reason for being against abortion, but when others, myself included, cite the Bible as a reason for being against war and against vengeance, ("Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." and then Jesus said if someone strikes you, to "turn the other cheek," remember?)

    Anyone who commits an act of violence against a child should be given a lifetime sentence with no possibility for parole and the same goes for murderers. Have you ever heard of what happens to rapists and child molesters in prison? It ain't pretty and if that's not justice, then I don't know what is.

  6. Is it safe to assume that conservatives are ok with meaningless bloody wars overseas that amount to nothing but greed for oil and dead bodies?  

    It's the same principle really.

  7. No.

  8. Yes if you look at their voting records on how they support planned parenthood and how much money they receive from groups like them it will amaze you.

  9. It is not safe to assume that of all of them but certainly the majority hold these views..

  10. No, not safe, or intelligent.

  11. Shut up n**i.

  12. Nope, it's not safe to say.

    Watch your back.

  13. It's never safe to assume anything in life.

    But in reply to your question, not all liberals are the same. There are 'liberals' who may disagree with a few issues than the stereotypical liberal.  

  14. no, it is never safe to make such a generalized assumption about any group of people.

  15. No when you assume you just show what a dumba$$ you are. i may be pro choice that that doesn't make me pro abortion. I don't think that they are babies yet either.

    The death penalty is archaic, ineffective and belongs in Iraq or Iran. Life in prison with NO parole is better.

  16. I am ok with abortion but I also believe in the death penalty.  Your comparison is kinda like Republicans who don't believe in abortion but believe it's okay to go over to other countries and kill innocent civilians...but I guess folks in other countries get to fend for themselves right?

  17. Pretty much. Obama also voted AGAINST the Born Alive Protection Act. Pretty sick.

  18. I'm for both abortion and the death penalty. abortion because it helps weed out the defective out of the gene pool, and also allows natural selection to play itself out more effectively, the death penalty for those who destroy lives either by disabling them or taking away their lives.


  19. Yes since Obama voted against making doctors and nurses help a baby who survives an abortion.

  20. You are obviously not going to get and unbiased or unemotional answer on this from the way you frame the question.

    I've been liberal and conservative and against abortion always for moral reasons.

    If you believe life begins at conception, abortion is bad regardless.

    I've changed my, mind about capital punishment after becoming more conservative because of the failure of the legal system to judge fairly.

  21. No, it isn't.  It seems to be Republicans who see nothing wrong with killing children and babies, because they are sure Gung Ho for War.

    Let's get a few things straight. Abortion is not birth control. Few women consider abortion without a great deal of anguish, and it is usually a last resort, an act of desperation, either because a woman knows she cannot take care of a baby, or for other reasons, such as a man who is abusive or not around at all.

    Let's get to the problem of men. They put the burden of parentage on the mother's shoulders. If you men would never have unprotected s*x with a woman who did not want a child or could not support a child, there would be no abortions.  So often men want a free ride in life, considering s*x a great romp, but take no responsibility at all.  They could settle the abortion problem with a little education and consideration. They could use condoms or ascertain that Birth Contol methods are used.  Instead, they want to grunt like baboons, enjoying themselves, and leave the woman carrying the burden and the blame.

    The Pro Life group is frequently even against Birth Control, which means that they are not so worried about the potential babies as they are in punishing women for enjoying s*x.  The truth is, the world is overpopulated, filled with starving babies, but few Pro Lifers adopt these children or even agree to help feed them with Social Programs. Their idea of charity is to finance a few missionaries in a foreign land, while here in the States, they build onto the churches, making them into Mega-Cathedrals, while the poor suffer and the babies keep coming.

    Neocons even want a woman to carry the child of a rapist, when the Morning After Pill is easily available and prevents any pregnancy from occurring.  Here again, it is punishment. Let's punish that woman for the crime committed by a man!

    As far as the Death Penalty, fine, sir, if you are guilty of a heinous sin. But how many mistakes are made?  How many innocent people are put to death, the result of rotten lawyers or eyewitnesses who are not reliable?  With your love of war and your exultation in just anybody being punished, rightwingers are not Pro Life at all.  They are Pro War, and that is the same as Pro Death.  How many young men and women are dead or maimed because of the rightwing enthusiasm for needless, preemptive War built on a passel of lies?

  22. You may want to do your home work Skippy. Your President is murdering babies everyday in Iraq.

  23. No.

    No reasonable person is "OK" with abortion, but many reasonable people realize that it may be necessary in some cases.  That decision rests with the mother and her health care providers.

    Even the Vatican allows that there may be greater concerns that the life of the unborn that allow for an abortion to take place.  If you vote for a pro-choice politician, you may be tacitly supporting abortion, but in the larger scheme you are probably taking more pro-life stance.

    If you are pro-life, you cannot support the death penalty.  If you are pro-life you cannot support unjust wars (and I defer the the Just War Doctrine for this definition).  If you are pro-life, you cannot stand idly by while your countrymen die due to lack or food or healthcare.

    None of the supposedly pro-life politicians today care about THESE tens of millions of lives.  If your right to life starts at conception, it doesn't end at birth.

  24. No!  I would not say it is safe to assume that, but I presume it's ok with you to bomb the smithereens out of someone living in Iraq.

  25. No, it isn't safe to say that.

    Pro-Choice....means you are in support of giving the individual the CHOICE to have an abortion or not.  Being pro-choice doesn't mean I am going tell my wife/girlfriend/daughter to have an abortion.  It means I am in favor of having that option available for those who want an abortion.  I am not in favor of telling everyone else that they must live by my moral standards.  I just don't associate with people who I determine aren't up to my standards....I suggest you do the same.

    Think of it as free will......even child rapists and murderers have free will, we punish them for their actions.  We don't stop them from carrying out their actions.

    Would it be safe to assume that conservatives are ok with giving child rapists and murderers MORE freedoms than women?  

  26. Yes

    I don't get why they are ok with late term abortions or why they support infanticide of babies born after a failed attempted abortion.  Strange.

    I know not all are like this but too many are

  27. No. Its not.

    In case you are wondering... Obama has stated NUMEROUS times that the death penalty should be reserved for child rapists and murderers.

    Just to be clear... overgeneralizing will get you nowhere... epsecially when you are wrong.

  28. Is it safe to say that you believe in a talking snake?

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