
Is it safe to bathe in the Ganges River in India?

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Is it safe to bathe in the Ganges River in India?




  1. its sewer water, as safe as that is. you are cleaner before you get in.

  2. I read with amusement the answers above and as an Indian I am not surprised by the responses.

    To put it into better perspective I would give u a brief as below:

    The Ganges flows from the Himalayas from the Gangotri in streams and then rushed downhill at massive speeds in Haridwar and Rishikesh and then reaches the plains of Allahabad, Varanasi and then onwards to the Bay of bengal.

    If you visit Haridwar/Rishikesh-the river water is pure and very clear but here on the ghats its difficult to bathe because the river is having very very strong currents and also year round the water is freezing cold-so u can just manage a dip before u want to get out.

    These waters are pure and it doesnt infect anybody.

    But if u come down to the plains and visit the Ghats of Allahabad, Varanasi etc and attempt to take a dip in the Ganges-God save U!!

    Its filthy-its not just sewer water, but caracasses of animals, human ashes, excreta, and what not !!

    Dont even think of touching this water!!

    Thats the situation!!

    All the best and happy dipping in the Ganges!!

  3. sure..people have been doing if for centuries. Of course..this would be like bathing in your toilet when you still have p**s and **** in it.

  4. They do. But for a westerner whose guts are not aclimatized to some of the nasty microbobes that must thrive here, I would not advise it!

    See link below for pics

  5. i wouldn't put my head under, and i wouldn't go in with any open wounds. otherwise, don't worry about it, the body can take it. take a shower later.

    and if you appreciate the spiritual nature of bathing in the river, some feel that can help with any of the problems. i have had drinks of holy water in hindu temples that were surely contaminated, otherwise i was very careful about food and drink, but that didn't hurt me at all, and i attributed that to the spiritual nature of the drinking.

  6. It's a sacred river and many do. Just watch out for the corpses of those who go there to die.

  7. it is safe to wash in the ganges as it is safe as bathing in any river.

    but you will be clensed.

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