
Is it safe to be induced with a closed cervix!!?

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i'm being induced on sunday but saturday night my doc gone give me some meds called cervidil for my cervix and then sunday brake my water is this safe!!




  1. I am sure its safe if your doctor is doing it, and  only if you are 38 weeks + ... and the baby is not in stressed out...


  2. That is the same way I was induced. I went in Sunday night to start the cervidil and then on Monday morning 8:30 they broke my water. I had my baby girl at 2:42 p.m. Everything went great! Good luck!!

  3. I was induced with my daughter at 41 weeks and i was not dilated at all i was in labor for 17 hours and everything turned out ok, its safe drs do it all the time

  4. Well, it's not as safe as going into labour naturally. But it's far safer than letting you go over until the placenta fails.

    The question is: why are you being induced now? Can it safely be left a bit? If so, I would leave it. If not, well then it needs to be done. I ws induced with a completely closed cervix (apparently it was long and thin, not even close to being ready to dilate, but I was 42 weeks).

  5. If your doctor is doing it, i suppose it is safe.  If you feel like its not, make sure you ask your doctor lots of questions until you fully understand what will be going on and what the risks are.  You also may want to talk to another physician if you can find one just for a second opinion.

  6. yes of course it is! the docs wouldn't do it if it wasn't safe, when your induced they give you meds to open and dilate your cervix, it basically is a false start for your body to go into labour.

    good luck!  

  7. It can be done but induction often isn't necessary.  Unless baby is in distress or there is a problem with you...there is not need to allow a "convenient' induction.  In normal circumstances it is far healthier for you and baby to let nature prepare  your body - not meds.  

    i have 3 kids and was induced with #1 after I delayed until the baby flunked a NST.  My other 2 they also wanted to induce but I waited it out and went into labor with both of them.  A natural occuring labor is BY FAR easier than an induced labor!

    I agree with induction when it is medically indicated...but it shouldn't be done so often just cause docs and moms want to pick out labor dates.

  8. Normally they wont try and induce you with a closed cervix, but if he has given you some meds maybe he is hoping that it will ripen and open the cervix enough to break your waters, I was 2cm dilated and 50% effaced for over two weeks and still got will just have to wait and see how your body reacts to the induction.

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