
Is it safe to burn junkmail?

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I know recycling is the best option for getting rid of paper waste, but there are some things I don't feel comfortable recycling, like things with my name on it. I was wondering if burning paper with ink on it is hazardous to the environment.

Also if anyone know what is OK to burn in a fire please let me know!




  1. no! use a paper shredder then recycle the shreds.

  2. Glossy paper is not safe to burn in a fireplace. It produces excess smoke and contributes a lot of creosote to the chimney liner. The glassine windows of window envelopes should not be burned, either. Ink on paper isn't a problem, although some of the pigments will produce colored flames. (They're pretty.)

    Anything else would be fine in a fireplace instead of crumpled newspapers. Are you going to store it all summer, though?

    Unless you heat the house with a fireplace, I think it might be time for you to invest in a paper-shredding wastebasket, where you can just slice any sensitive papers into ribbons nobody could reassemble.

  3. I have been burning bank statements ,credit card statements(and the applications you get in the mail with your mane on them)plus anything else I think is personal or anyone can get personal info from.Identity theft is such a problem why leave it to chance.The other thing would be the paper shredder as mentioned.

  4. it is hazardous to the environment and the best thing to do is recycle it (shred your name and address first)

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