
Is it safe to buy a used radar detector - passport 8500 (x50)?

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I found a passport 8500 radar detector for only 150, and I hear they are the best. This radar is used though, is it safe to buy a used radar - will it work as well as the new one, and pick up signals from far away? Let me know what I should do, thanks!




  1. In most countries it is perfectly safe to buy it but it is illegal to use it.

  2. Find out why they are selling it. 9 times out of 10 there is a secret about it. But if there is proof of nothing wrong with it then have fun but be safe

  3. put it to a test! go to a place where you know the police are monitoring the speed of the cars and check if the detector does it's job!

  4. Before you buy it ask the drive to show you that it works correctly by just driving the speed limit where he knows that there are police and go from there..

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