
Is it safe to can tomatoes or salsa without hot water bath?

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My sister in law cans salsa by boiling the tomatoes for 20 mins adding the other igrediants and boiling for 2 hours then putting it in steril boiled lids and jars. She has been doing this for years along with her mother who cans tomatoes with the same method. All the recipies i have read say to add lemon juice to increase the aciditiy and to hot water bath the canned foods for a certain period of time. these people have been doing this for 20 + years. Anybody else have expeirance with this? Thanks




  1. can it yo!

  2. Below are links that will explain the safest way to can tomatoes and salsa.  Good luck with that!

  3. I've been canning tomatoes by that method for over 20 years and haven't killed anyone yet.  Home Ec teachers won't agree with this method, but it's worked for me, my mom and my grandmother for many, many years.  

    Tomatoes are naturally high in acid and can be safely canned without adding extra acid.  Unless you're using low-acid tomatoes, of course!  If you're using low-acid tomatoes, then you must add the lemon juice or vinegar to increase the acidity.

    Just make sure everything is hot, hot, hot while your canning.  The jars should be placed upside down in a pan of boiling water, along with the lids.  Remove them one by one from the boiling water as you prepare to fill them.  Keep the tomatoes simmering.  The utensils you're using to pick up the hot lids should also be sterilized in the boiling water.

    As you put the filled and sealed jars on the counter, keep them covered with a towel so they don't get a draft.  If you end up with any jars that didn't "pop", you can either reprocess those tomatoes or just keep them in the fridge and use them as soon as possible.

    If you want a great reference book for canning & freezing, look for the title "Putting Food By".    Sorry, I don't have the author's name.  I'm not at home and I'm supposed to be working!

  4. The boiling primarily just kills the germs to prevent spoilage. It also helps to seal the jar as it cools. You can do it either way as long as its just before boiling hot when the lids go on.

  5. What a great question.  I am at this moment canning tomatoes!  However I use the hot bath method.  But when we do tomato sauce we do just as you described above.  We have never ever added lemon juice to our tomatoes or tomato sauce.  We can tomatoes the way my Nonna did back in Sicily and have never ever had a problem.  On the average I can any where from 350-500 pounds a year, 500 pounds being the most I ever did and it was insane!  You'll be fine with the way you do it.  Have fun!!

  6. it is very safe as long as its not "canned" in a metal can

    i have some experience cause I'm in a culinary school

    if u have more questions contact me or something

  7. you have to cook them to kill bacteria and mold if you dont they will not seal right and they'll mold

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