
Is it safe to change lane without looking because your passenger tells you can change?

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Is it safe to change lane without looking because your passenger tells you can change?




  1. no

    unless you are in a race with a copilot

  2. no one coming could also mean no, one coming

  3. the cops and the law say no but if you trust your friends then yea, it should be pretty safe. but try not to rely on them too often, using the mirror will do nothing but help.

  4. That's putting all trust in the passenger.  You are the one with the driver's license.  It is yours to lose.  If the passenger decides to s***w you one day and tell you it is OK when it isn't - you are at fault 100%.  The passenger is not responsible at all.

  5. ummm.. .that'll be a no.

    Remember: "My side's free" were the last words of the passenger ;)

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