
Is it safe to chat with someone you dont know am 13 and this guys keeps askin for my pics

by  |  earlier

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am scared and evrthing




  1. Absolutely do not send him your pictures or give him any personal information.  You do not know anything bout him and you are very young.  Be very very careful as there are alot of predators online.

  2. You don't have to send him anything.  You don't have to chat with him.  If you are concerned, tell your parents or another adult.  There may be nothing there, but personally, I think you should stop chatting with him and move on.  You will be fine.  Don't be afraid, he can't get to you unless you gave out personal information.  If that is the case, don't hedge about.  TELL AN ADULT.

  3. if you are afraid then there are warning bells going off to you that you should be listening to. Never ever send him a pic of yourself. you are much too young. change your user names if you have to and have no contact with him. there are enough guys out in the real world without having to deal with some manipulating online troll

  4. Sweety, please be careful.

    You don't know what kind of creeps are out there. There are so many cases where little girls go out to meet people they talk to online and they get raped or kidnapped.

    Don't give them pics and feel free to ignore the c**p out of them if they talk to you. You should probably stay away from chat rooms and make sure you don't give out any information about yourself.

    please please make good choices, they could save your life.

  5. Dopnt chat with htis guy, dont send pictures but report him hun, this is dangerous and I would seriously advise to report to the police or relevant authotieis, also please tell your parents hun and they could perhaps do this for you but do not send him anything

  6. You have to learn the rule of the online chat rooms. Where men are men, women are men and children are FBI agents.

  7. If you are scared then most definitely not... and being that you are 13, I wouldn't talk to people online that you don't already know. AND NEVER NEVER NEVER send people your personal information like your phone number, address, what school you go to, where you live, or even your last name... and I wouldn't send pictures either. I am 26 and I still abide by these rules.

    :/ why did I get a thumbs down for advice that works at keeping people (kids especially) safe?

  8. Yes, listen to all these people. They make a lot of sense.

    Plus, get rid of that name 'sxc Kay'.  It only attracts sick punks like that.

    Show some respect and responsibility for yourself.

  9. sweeetie sweetie sweetie,

    you awnsered this question yourself

    "am scared and evrthing"

    if your scared don't do it then

    he just wants to see what he can get  out of you

  10. Send him this picture:

    He'll most likely leave you alone after that. :D

  11. Sweetie, DO NOT TALK TO THIS GUY. You are 13 and have no business looking or chatting with guys online. You have too much to live for to fall into someone's selfish, disgusting, non-acceptable mind. You need to ignore his messages all together. Do you want some sycho looking at a picture of you and degrading you while he looks at it? Sweetie, please do not talk to this man, do not give him any information about you, NOTHING. If you are that scared sweetie, call your local police department and tell them what he is doing. They will help you honey and you should not be afraid to get their help. Please whatever you do DO NOT send him anything or talk to him. Be smart, you're 13 you are capable of knowing right from wrong. Do not give into this weirdo. Please call the police sweetie, everyone depends on people like you to get rid of these dirty men. Good luck and if anything go to your parents. They won't be mad at you, they will be very proud of you for coming to them.  

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