
Is it safe to clean my computer with a baby wipe?

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my computer has all these little spots on it. would a baby wipe get them off. if not, what will?




  1. just use windex, i use it allll the time, works like a charm!

    baby wipes will leave streaks !

  2. Baby wipes should be ok, .if you'd use them on a baby's bottom they can't hurt a computer  

  3. just use a slighty damp cloth..

  4. sand paper

  5. Sure it is. Just don't use any sprays around the USB ports or keyboard.

    Wipes are a great idea. Good thinking.

  6. I don't know, would you wipe your butt with a lysol cleansing wipe? Speaking of such, lysol wipes or something of that extent would work fine cause they're not super damp.

  7. I've used a baby wipe, hasn't hurt it, but its not the best.  I also use Clorox wipes or just a damp paper towel.  

  8. a baby wipe will be fine, or even any damp cloth. ring it out REALLY well and it'll be fine. just be sure to dry it well afterwards.

  9. well baby wipes might work but it will leave residue on your screen. I suggest to use a moist cloth

  10. the screen yes.

  11. No, I don't think you should use damp items. Just a dry cloth.

  12. Nah, it's too damp. Plus there is lotion in them. I've cleaned my screen with one once, you'll need to re-clean after using the wipe.  

  13. You can take your PC into the shower with you provided it's unplugged and you let it dry completely before plugging it back in. It also has to be unplugged for an hour before you do so. Not the best idea.

    Don't use a baby wipe on the motherboard as oils and such may corrode it. A can of compressed air will blow away dust which is the important thing. You can use anything you like on the outside case.

  14. you can pretty much do what ever you want to the tower and monitor just dont open anything up lol uless you know what your doing

  15. Where are the spots?

    if they are on your screen use a tissue with no liquids on it, and make sure you keep swapping tissues so you dont smear it.

    If they are on your keyboard/mouse dont use baby wipes, but a tiny dab of water on a paper towel will do justice. also consider dusting it.

    HUUUGE NOTE: for the monitor: if you have a GLASS screen go ahead and use liquids. if you have a non-glass lcd screen like me then use tissues as i said before

    if they are on your actual computer tower on the outside do the same as for the mouse/keyboard

  16. I've used baby wipes on my pc. I make sure to squeeze out any access liquid before wiping as you don't want it to filter into any vents or seams in the pc

  17. windex is the best option, baby wipes leave steaks.

    don't spray it on your computer or monitor, spray it on a cloth first.

  18. As long as you dont touch any ports or anything like that you should be okay.

  19. Yes, it it pretty safe to do this. No problem, just go ahead and wipe it clean, do not use any type of spray or water or anything, but baby wipes are fine cause they are really that wet, just damp

  20. I wouldn't! Especially if you mean that it's on the screen. I don't know if it would be safe or not. Make sure it does not have alcohol on it because that can really mess up your screen! I would try just to use a cloth or maybe a very, very lightly wet cloth. What part are you wanting to clean?

  21. I'd use a damp cloth followed immediately by a dry towel to prevent moisture build-up.

  22. it might, probs will

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