
Is it safe to clean your rabbits eyes with contact solution?

by  |  earlier

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i did yesterday cause it had crusties all over one eye, like dry green crust. and it covered half the eyes like he couldnt see....

so i at first wash it out with water and a qtip... then i figured it do it with contact solution, cause its lubricating and it'll hurt less.....

um he died today.... i hope its cause i didnt like kill himm.... :( we had him for about 5 years....




  1. The eye condition was probably what caused the death, not the treatment.  But if you ever need to wash out a rabbit's eyes again, use a mixture of boric acid and water.

  2. ...oh, that poor rabbit.

  3. Probably had more to do with the eye gunk than the contact solution. Sounds like he had some kind of URI or other type of infection going on. Saline solution is much better though. Sorry for your loss & RIP for bunny.

  4. oh, sad! i'm sorry your bunny died! i don't think it would kill it, i mean humans can use it so bunnies probably can too, but i wouldn't use it again unless u were certain.

  5. Many rabbit breeders use plain contact solution(saline) to clean their rabbits' eyes. You did not kill your rabbit by using it.

    If it had green gunk in it's eyes it could have had a respitory infection or snuffles. This is more likely the cause of death.

    Sorry you lost your pet.

  6. i don't think you killed him. most of that stuff is tested on rabbits. i wouldn't use contact solution though, if it ever comes up again. just go with plain saline solution.  

  7. If you were unsure than you should never have put that into your pets eyes. Your rabbit should have been taken to the vet.  

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