
Is it safe to clip dogs claws?

by  |  earlier

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Small dog Pug cross s**z Tzu




  1. yes but don't cut them to far cause You Will cut the tissue in his/her nails but yes go to the store and by DOG clippers or u can go to the vet and they will do it for u

    good luck!

  2. Yep much safer than letting them grow into their paws. Get your vet or your groomer to show you how then you will be able to safely do it yourself without cutting them too short.

  3. Of course it is but if you've never done it before ask your vet or a professional groomer to show you how to do it correctly.  And be sure to use either a nail clipper or nail grinder (i.e. dremel) that's made for dogs.

  4. It is safe if you know what you're doing. Read the article below before you jump into it.

    I don't do my own dog's nails because I am afraid of cutting the quick.

    Most groomers charge only about $6-8 to clip nails.  

  5. Yep sure is, just as long as you dont clip them to far down

  6. Yes, trim them down just a smidge at a time so you don't cut the 'quick' (blood supply in nail) which would cause the dog pain and bleed a lot. If the dog has light nails   you will the see the dark quick towards the base of the nail- if it has dark nails, you won't be able to see it. You might want to spend just a few $s to jhave a groomer or the vet show you how to do it properly- it's easy to do at home once you know how.  

  7. yes it is harmless, just don't cut them to short, they might crie but just ignore them and give them a treat afterwards

  8. You can clip your dogs claws.  I used to have my vet clip my dogs nails, and I would bake her peanutbutter cookies.

  9. Ya,u can  

  10. You can clip your dog's toenails yourself.Have a good pair of toenail clippers,don't want to use dull old ones.Hold the paw in your hand and clip just before the curve in the nail,that is you see the curve in the nail and cut before it from the tip of the nail not the base..You should have on hand some blood stop in case you clip too close.Light colored nails are the easiest,you can see the blood vessel in the nail.You cut just beyond the quick(blood vessel)If you are unsure  and nervous have your vet  show you how first.Added: Not sure why there are thumbs down.????

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