
Is it safe to download torrents?

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Is it safe to download torrents?




  1. No its not if you are download cracked softwares or ripped movies, mp3. But its completely safe if you download from public torrents. And it also depends on which country you belong to. In US there are very strict laws about p****y, if you are from there. Try to avoid it.

  2. NO!!!! It's completely illegal, and can give you computer damaging/destroying viruses.

  3. Depends.  If you are downloading non-pirated applications(freeware, shareware, open source) then yes it is safe to use torrents.  If your goal is to download games, music, applications that you have not purchased and do not own a legal copy off then no.

    I used to work for Covad Communications approx 3 years ago and we used to run utilities that could catch people using bearshare, gunetlla, limeware, kazaa, torrents and various other p2p softwares.  Though we would keep a track of ip's and the list of people to who's dsl modem those ip's are assigned to, we would only turn over that information when summoned by a court's order.

    I realize lot of people get away with downloading illegal software and you may too get away with it, but it depends whether or not you personally are comfortable taking that rish?  It all boils down to your own personal beliefs.

  4. It is safe to download some torrents. Generally, a torrent downloaded from somewhere like, the file will be what it is described as. However, when downloading, make sure you read the comments of people who have already downloaded it, so even if it is corrupt, you'll be able to avoid it.

  5. It's a lot "safer" than peer to peer downloading, but it is still illegal.

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