
Is it safe to drink aloe vera juice?

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I have an aloe vera plant at home. I was wondering if its safe to make juice or to eat the gel from the plant?

If so how does one make the juice? Remove the thorns and use the rest of the leaf? Or should it be peeled?




  1. It is listed as a toxic plant. Can cause gastric upsets.

  2. if it comes in the bottle, it says how many times a day u can have it for. but it is essentially the same juice.

    so yes it is safe (i know someone who used to drink it and she became a lot healthier) but my advice is to do a bit of research online as to how concentrated it is when it is directly from the plant and hence, what quantity is safe to drink.

    if i remember right she used to remove the gel and put in it simmering water with the leaves for about 15 minutes. i'm not sure though.


  3. Absolutely safe.

  4. Cut across the leaf and squeeze out the jell.   Yes its good to drink.  Best taken on an empty stomach, it supports digestion.  I buy it in a quart bottle at the health store (Krogers).

       It is good for miner burns and skin sores,  but also good to take internally as well.

  5. I'd put in in the blender with another juice like orange.  the thorns should be removed first but the skin is good as it has fiber.

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