
Is it safe to drink cold water ?

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Does it have any adverse effects ?




  1. yes

  2. im sorry but is this a serious question. our bodies are made up of mostly water and we need it to survive. drink water, its good for you, the temp. wont make a difference unless its really hot

  3. yes it's safe

  4. Yes, it's safe.   I've heard that if you drink cold water it makes your body want to warm up and it helps u lose weight.  Not sure if that's true

  5. If you are thirsty drink it any way you please.

  6. not at all, cold water is one of my most favorite things to drink

  7. No, not just after a meal.

  8. no it might give you a brain freeze but nothing is gunna happen unless its so impossibly cold it would freeze your insides

  9. Nope, thankfully (especially during this hot hot hot weather). In order for water to hydrate our body, it doesn't need to be at body temperature. It also leaves the body more quickly so you can rehydrate yourself faster, which is a plus. :) Enjoy!

  10. nope, your safe buddy, drink all the cold water you want!

  11. the only time you aren't supposed to drink really cold water is when you are really hot or been in the sun for a while. It might give you stomach cramps.

  12. BRAIN FREEZE! but besides that, it is completely safe.

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