
Is it safe to drink discolored Vitamin Water?

by Guest67206  |  earlier

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Does Vitamin Water have an expiration date? Lately, I've noticed that the drink discolors after awhile.




  1. It is probably safe of you have kept it in the fridge...but I would recommend buying another one!

  2. the vitamins are slowly de-vitaminizing and becoming various assorted clouds of mercaptans, volatile organic compounds, keytones, and oxides of mercury.

    Very harmless and yummy.!!

  3. it probably settles or becomes older. It's probably safe but maybe not as healthy.

  4. I suggest you leave it has it might of lost its vitamins and proteins buy a fresh one to be on the safe side you never knew it could give you a nasty tummy ache

  5. As long as it has been kept (as in a refrigerator or something of the sort), then it should be safe to drink. However, it will not have the full vitamins it had when you bought it, so I would adivse you to simply get a new one.

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