
Is it safe to drink old water or water that has been out in the sun?

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The reason I ask is because my boss is so cheap. He never wants to buy the office any drinks or snacks. Point is he brought this water from home and it has bubbles on the cap and the bottles look sucked in like if they were stored in his garage or something. Not only that but they expire in 2 months. Normaly when you buy new water they dont expire until 2 years so obviously they are old. Should we address this to him? What harm can the water do if we drink it?




  1. better not just to be safe.

  2. just as long the caps weren't twisted off it should be okay. if they were tampered I wouldn't drink it. if you feel that something is wrong with the bottles dont drink it and bring your own snacks and drinks. it'll be nice if you and your co-workers bring a snack once a week taking turns. That will get the office communicating and more friendlier.

  3. it could contain bph if it was left in the sun. a cancer causing agent.

  4. Depends on the plastic, some bottle waters are fine to drink even if they have been out in the heat because the bottles are higher grade. From the sound of it, sounds like its cheap  bottle water. No, I wouldn't drink it because if its been sitting out in the hot sun the plastic could have leeched into the water.

    Tell your boss just to get a water filter, if he's cheap he'll like that option better anyways because it'll save him money. That and you can then be sure that the water is safe.

  5. This really isn't the best idea, with regards to both quality of the water as well as your health.  

    Water that has been allowed to sit for too long of a time can take on undesirable flavors, including the flavor of plastic if it is kept in a plastic container for too long.

    Over time it can also develop bacteria, as many types of water in bottles do not have chlorine or other chemicals added to kill bacteria.  The water is also not under pressure as it is when it's flowing through your tap (the pressure also retards the formation of bacteria to a degree).  Even if the water jug or container was filled from the tap, whatever chlorine was in the water initially won't protect it for very long.  If water is allowed to sit in a container for too long, the seal or top on that container cannot protect it fully and air (including some bacteria)can start to enter and grow in the water.  Sunlight and heat will only foster bacteria growth by heating up the water and creating an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

    In closing, this water probably doesn't taste very good and it certainly could pose a significant risk to your health.  You would be better off finding another water source at your job, including possibly supplying your own.

  6. you should tell your cheap boss to buy a water filter for your tap. bottled water is awful for the planet. it takes millions of barrels of oil to make the bottles that end up in our landfills, not to mention you are paying  $1.00 for a glass of water that costs about $.05 from the tap.

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